Kanienʼkéha (Mohawk)
[également appelé Kanienʼkeha, Kanien'kehaka, Kanyenʼkéha]Classification : Iroquoian
Classification : Iroquoian
This focuses on the cycle of love between a mother and her child. That with every new life that ends, a new one begins.
Original story by Robert Munsch"Illustrated by Bill Crouse"Narration Mohawk Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters"Baby Song written by Bear Fox"Translated By Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters"Female Singer Teioswathe Cook"Male Singer Aronhie:nens Porter"Shake the Bush by Bill |
24 août 2012 |
Funding Provided by AMBE, KGLPP |
Mohawk Story |
Original story by Robert Munsch Illustrated by Bill Crouse Narration Mohawk Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters Baby Song written by Bear Fox Translated By Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters Female Singer Teioswathe Cook Male Singer Aronhie:nens Porter Shake the Bush by Bill |
Ahkwesãhsne Mohawk Board of Education |
Rose Kaur il y a 854 jours
Hi there, I have some lyrics to this song that I sourced from this youtube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3c-iaEQ1W4&ab_channel=karonhienhawe1 Lyrics- Shonkwaia'tison tahiahtenniehte o:nen ieiohe ahsaton:rie nia:wen, nia:wen tsi sonhnhe owira:'a tsi nen:we enkonnoronhkhwake. Sataterihwakwenienhstak iohahi:io sathahita serihwakweniehsta iethinistenha ohontsa io haio ho hawe haio io haio hawe haio weia io haio ho we ..io haio ho hawi hawine Tsi Nen:we Enkonnoronhkhwake I was wondering if there is a source of the English translation of this song? I am working towards a paper to gather some literary distinctions between western and indigenous languages.
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