Diné Bizaad (Navajo)
[别称 Diné Bizaad, Navajo, Navaho]语系:Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
This video provides the lyrics to the popular Christmas carol, "Silent Night! Holy Night!" written as a poem by Joseph Mohr, and translated into the Navajo language by L.P. Brink, entitled, "Doo Íits'a'í Da! Hodííyiid!" in Navajo. It is sung in the Navajo language by Elizabeth Bryant & Virginia Graymountain. The literal translation of each word or words below the Navajo words is provided in English to help learn the wrods to the song. To purchase the music for this song, you can contact the artist at: PMB #5084, HC-70 Box 3 Tonalea, AZ. 86044. The price is $20 FOR THE CDS AND $15 FOR THE TAPES. Approval to post this address given by the artist. The CD is entitled "Christmas." Enjoy & Yá'át'ééh Késhmish (Merry Christmas)!
11/14/2011 |
Education |
2011年11月14日 |
DayBreakWarrior |
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