[别称 Lengua, Palenque,]语系:Pidgin or Creole
语系:Pidgin or Creole
信息不完整 “Palenquero” (182-192 ch. 19) . Schwegler, Armin (2013) , Michaelis, Susanne Maria, Philippe Maurer, Martin Haspelmath, and Magnus Huber · Oxford University Press
"Today, only about half of Palenque's 4,000 to 5,000 inhabitants have active command of the creole (the adult remainder has partial or complete passive knowledge)."
"Modern Palenquero spelling conventions differ somewhat from Spanish orthographic practices in that they attempt to adhere more closely to the principle of 'one phoneme-one letter' ... There is no official orthography, and spelling conventions continue to vary somewhat from author to author."
El Palenque village (San Basilio de Palenque, El Palenque de San Basilio)
"about 60 kilometres from Cartagena de Indias"