[aka Makú-Yahup, Yëhup, Yahup, Yahup Makú, “Maku”]Classification: Nadahup
Classification: Nadahup
Makú-Yahup, Yëhup, Yahup, Yahup Makú, “Maku” |
Nadahup, Eastern Makuan |
ISO 639-3 |
yab |
As csv |
Information from: “Chez les Yuhup, nomades de Colombie” (225-255) . Ana María Ospina Bozzi (2011) , Colette Grinevald and Michel Bert · Ophrys
"La population totale a été estimée entre 400 et 550 personnes."
[The total population is estimated at between 400 and 550 persons.]
"La langue est parlée par tous les membres du groupe dans tous les groupes d'âge, dans tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne, comme moyen d'expression, de communication et de transmission culturelle ... Quant à la transmission intergénérationnelle, la langue est transmise par les adultes et les jeunes aux enfants... Malgré la vitalité reflétée par la description précédente, quelques autres faits montrent que les changements dans la forme de vie des Yuhup ont un impact la viabilité de leur langue."
[The language is spoken by all members of the group in all age groups in all areas of daily life, as a means of expression, communication and cultural transmission ... As for intergenerational transmission, language is transmitted by adults and young children ... Despite the vitality reflected in the above description, some other facts show that changes in the life form of Yuhup affect the viability of their tongue."
"La communauté yuhup n'est plus une communauté monolingue. Les jeunes et adultes (qui sont la majorité de la population) connaissent, à divers degrés, l'espagnol ou le makuna ... leur utilisation se limite uniquement aux domaines relatifs au contact ... Avec l'introduction de la scolarisation en espagnol (et la présence d'un maître d'école hispanophone), tous sont maintenant en contact direct et permanent avec cette langue."
[The yuhup community is not a monolingual community. Young people and adults (who are the majority of the population) know, to varying degrees, Spanish or Makuna ... their use is limited to only areas relating to contact ... With the introduction of schooling in Spanish (and the presence of Spanish-speaking school teacher), all are now in direct and continuous contact with that language.]
"Le territoire du peuple Yuhup est situé entre les rivières Tiquié et Apaporis, à la frontière entre la Colombie et le Brésil. Les Yuhup colombiens... représentent un groupe local de quarante personnes qui occupent actuellement un emplacement à l'embouchure de l'Ugá, affluent de la rivière Apaporis."
[The territory of Yuhup people are located between the Tiquié and Apaporis rivers, on the border between Colombia and Brazil. The Colombian Yuhup ... constitute a local group of 40 people who currently occupy a location at the mouth of the Uga, tributary of the Apaporis River.]
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
Amazonas, living in 11 villages on the Ira, Cunuri, Castanha, Apapóris, Tiquié, and Igarapé Samaúma rivers.
Information from: “Language endangerment in South America: The clock is ticking” (167-234) . Crevels, Mily (2012) , Lyle Campbell and Veronica Grondona · Mouton de Gruyter
617 speakers and population in Brazil, and 200 speakers and population in Colombia.
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 19th Edition (2016)” . Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig · SIL International
Amazonas state: on the Apapóris, Castanha, Cunuri, Igarapé Samaúma, Ira, and Tiquié rivers; 11 villages.
Information from: “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
130 speakers in Colombia, 370 speakers in Brazil
Although Yuhup shares about 90 percent of its lexicon with Hup, these languages are best considered different languages on the basis of phonological and grammatical differences, and the lack of mutual intelligibility.