[también conocido como //Gana, G//ana, Dxana]Clasificación: Khoe
·con amenaza de extinción
Clasificación: Khoe
·con amenaza de extinción
//Gana, G//ana, Dxana, G//anakhwe, Gxana, Gxanna, /Khessakoe, //Ganakhwe, Kanakoe |
Khoe, Kalahari |
ISO 639-3 |
gnk |
Como csv |
La información está incompleta “The twelve modern Khoisan languages” . Matthias Brenzinger (2011)
"Before 1997, ǀGui and ǁGana used to live in Xade and other settlements inside the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). According to [Hiroshi] Nakagawa, ǀGui speakers in the mid-1990s were found scattered to 15 settlements. In April 2000, Akira Takada counted 1002 Gǀui and Gǁana at New Xade (Kxoenssakene)"
La información está incompleta “A sociolinguistic survey of the languages of Botswana” (1-142) . Hasselbring, Sue (2000) Basarwa Languages Project, Collaborative Basarwa Research Programme of the Univ. of Botswana & Univ. of Tromsø
Boteti, Ghanzi, Central, Botswana
"In the Boteti region, the //Gana speaking area is the grassy veld south of Makalamabedi west of Xhumga and to the west, south and southeast of Rakops. //Gana is also spoken in Ghanzi District, especially in Kgoesakaene and the Central Kalahari Game Reserve."
"[//Gana and /Gwi] are spoken primarily in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and in areas just to the south, west and northeast of the reserve."
La información está incompleta “Khoisan groups and languages” (123-142) . Lars-Gunnar Andersson and Tore Janson (1997) Longman Botswana
The //Gana are said to be bilingual, speaking both //Gana and Sekgalagadi.
The traditional area of the /Gwi and the //Gana is the Central Kalahari Game Reserve... Today we know that quite a few members of these groups live on or close to the Ghanzi farms.
La información está incompleta “Where are the Khoesan of Botswana?” (13-31) . Sue Hasselbring (2000) , Herman M. Batibo and Birgit Smieja · Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
"The ||Gana language appeared to have greater vitality in Ghanzi District than in Boteti."
Boteti, Ghanzi
Villages, settlements, and towns: "Kgoesakaene, Kalahari Game Reserve, Kedia, Rakops, Ghanzi, Kuke, Khwee"