[también conocido como Aniula, Anjula, Anula]Clasificación: Pama-Nyungan
·en grave peligro de extinción
Clasificación: Pama-Nyungan
·en grave peligro de extinción
This song line of kujika belongs to the Rrumburriya clan; it is the first section of a song line that was put into the country by the Tiger Shark Dreaming. The Dreamings from the Saltwater Country (Narnu-Yuwa ki Anthaa) is the second section of the Tiger Shark Dreaming song line of kujika. The Song of the Tiger Shark at Manankurra (Manankurra Kujika) sings the cycad trees, the freshwater well, children playing, people gathering water, the river and many other things that can still be found at Manankurra today. PROVIDED BY: Yanyuwa families RIGHTS: IP and Copyright Yanyuwa families
South West Gulf of Carpentaria |
1 de Enero de 2008 |
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