
[aka Delen, Warki, Warkimbe]

Classification: Nubian



  • Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International http://www.ethnologue.com/

  • Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing http://www.unesco.org/culture/en/endangeredlanguages/atlas

  • World Oral Literature Project . http://www.oralliterature.org

  • Language Status and Use in Dilling City, the Nuba Mountains ( pp. 290-305 ) . Abdel Rahim Hamid Mugaddam (2006) · Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 27 (4) · http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.2167/jmmd444.1

  • The Linguistic Settlement of the Nuba Mountains ( pp. 219-231 ) . Robin Thelwall and Thilo Schadeberg (1983) · Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika. 5

  • An extinct Nubian language in Kordofan ( pp. 73-80 ) . Bell, Herman (1973) · Sudan Notes and Records. 54

  • The Nuba Mountains: who spoke what in 1976? ( pp. c.10 ) . Bell, Herman (1998) · Sudanic Africa, texts and sources archive (online), #1 · Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Univ. of Bergen

  • Notes on the Dago with special reference to the Dago Settlement in Western Kordofan ( pp. 59-73 ) . S. Hillelson (1925) · Sudan Notes and Records. VIII

  • The Languages of the Nuba Mountains ( pp. 149-162 ) . P. A. MacDiarmid and D. N. MacDiarmid (1931) · Sudan Notes and Records. XIV (II) ·

  • On the phonology of the Kwashi dialect of Dilling Nubian . Sakran, Tindil (1979) ·

  • Some aspects of the spread of Islam in the Nuba Mountains ( pp. 9-20 ) . Stevenson, Roland C. (1963) · Sudan notes and records. 64

  • Linguistic research in the Nuba Mountains [pt. 2] ( pp. 79-102 ) . Stevenson, Roland C. (1964) · Sudan notes and records. 45

  • Vokabularien von sieben Nuba-Sprachen, die im Kordofan und am Bahher Abbiad im Gebrauch sind ( pp. 370-373 ) . Rüppell, Edward (1829) · In Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan und dem peträischen Arabien Friedrich Wilmans

  • The Present Position of Research in the Nuba Mountain Languages ( pp. 58-62 ) . Roland C. Stevenson (1975) · In Directions in Sudanese Linguistics and Folklore Sudanese Studies Library Number 4 · Vol. 4 · edited by Sayyid Hamid Hurreiz and Herman Bell · Khartoum University Press

  • The Deviation of the Nubian Language of Kadero into Sudanese Colloquial Arabic ( pp. 85-100 ) . Ali Obeid Birema (2006) · In Insights into Nilo-Saharan language, history and culture: proceedings of the 9th Nilo-Saharan linguistic colloquium, Institute of African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum, 16-19 February 2004 edited by Al-Amin Abu-Manga and Leoma Gilley and Anne Storch · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • The phoneme system of Tagle, a Kordofanian Nubian language . Ibrahim, Gumma and Huttenga, Piet (2007) · In Advances in Nilo-Saharan linguistics: proceedings of the 8th Nilo-Saharan linguistics colloquium, University of Hamburg, August 22-25, 2001 Nilo-Saharan: linguistic analyses and documentation, #22 · edited by Reh, Mechthild and Payne, Doris L. · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • Towards a general Orthography of the Ajang Languages ( pp. 183-198 ) . Jabr el Dar, Khaliifa (2006) · In Insights into Nilo-Saharan Language, History and Culture: Proceedings of the 9th Nilo-Saharan Linguistic Colloquium, Institute of African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum, 16-19 February 2004 Nilo-Saharan · Vol. 23 · edited by Al-Amin Abu-Manga and Leoma Gilley and Anne Storch · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • Loan Word Evidence from the Nuba Mountains: Kordofan Nubian and the Nyimang Group ( pp. 249-269 ) . Franz Rottland and Angelika Jakobi (1991) · In Ägypten im Afro-orientalischen Kontext. Aufsätze zur Archäologie, Geschichte und Sprache eines unbegrenzten Raumes: Gedenkschrift Peter Behrens Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (AAP), Sondernummer 1991 · edited by Daniela Mendel and Ulrike Claudi · Inst. für Afrikanistik, Univ. zu Köln

  • Note on Language of the Nubas of Southern Kordofan ( pp. 167-188 ) . Brenda Z. Seligmann (1910-1911) · Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen. I

  • Geschichte der Erforschung der Nuba-Berge . Günther Dabitz (1985) · Arbeiten aus dem Seminar für Völkerkunde der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main · Vol. 17 · Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner

  • Die Daiersprache in Kordofan ( pp. 67-78, 29-53 ) . A. Drexel and D. Kauczor (1930-1931) · Biblioteca Africana. IV (1-2) ·

  • The Nubian Languages: An Annotated Bibliography . Angelika Jakobi and Tanja Kümmerle (1993) · African Linguistic Bibliographies · Vol. 5 · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • Kordofân-Texte im Dialekt von Gebel Dair . H. Junker and W. Czermak (1913) · Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: Philosophisch-historische Klasse · Vol. 174:3 · Wien: Alfred Hölder

  • Die bergnubische Sprache (Dialekt von Gebel Delen) . Daniel Kauczor (1920) · Schriften der Sprachenkommission · Vol. VII · Wien: Alfred Hölder

  • Sprachstudien im egyptischen Sudan 32: Dilling ( pp. 264-267 ) . Carl Meinhof (1917-1918) · Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen. VIII