[别称 Chilling, Chɨlɨng, Chulung]语系:Sino-Tibetan
信息不完整 “An ethnolinguistic observation of Chhulung Rai, a highly endangered language” . Man Kumari Limbu (2007)
"[C]hildren are not acquiring the Chhulung language natively because parents' attitudes towards mother tongue is not positive. They think that if their children speak the Chhulung language (mother tongue), they will be weak in Nepali and English. So their parents are urging to learn Nepali language more correctly and create a situation of forgetting the mother tongue." (p. 34)
Bantawa; Nepali
Bantawa is used when speaking to the neighboring Bantawa people. Nepali is the lingua franca and the medium for education. Younger people in general speak Nepali natively and parents are not willing to pass down Chhulung to their children with the concern that speaking Chhulung may influence children's ability to master Nepali.
Akhisalla Village Development Committee of Dhankuta