[alias Bola, Bela, Pala]Klassifizierung: Sino-Tibetan
Klassifizierung: Sino-Tibetan
Bola, Bela, Pala, Polo, Pola, 波拉語, 波拉話 |
Sino-Tibetan, Lolo-Burmese |
ISO 639-3 |
bxd |
Als csv |
Informationen von: “A study of Pela (波拉語研究)” . Dai Qingxia (戴慶廈) and Jiang Ying (蔣穎) and Kong Zhi'en (孔志恩) (2007) Beijing: Minzu Publisher (民族出版社)
~ 600
Around 500 speakers in China and 100 speakers in Myanmar. Classified under the Jingpo 景頗 nationality in China.
Zaiwa; Maru; Lashi; Mandarin; Dai;
The Pela people practice exogamy with speakers of other Jingpo 景頗 languages in China such as Zaiwa 載瓦, Maru 浪速 and Lashi 勒期
mostly in Luxi 潞西, Lianghe 梁河, Longchuan 隴川 of Jingpo 景頗 Antonymous Prefecture, Yunnan 雲南 Province, China; around 100 in the Myanmar-China border.
Informationen von: “East and Southeast Asia” (349-424) . David Bradley (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
The Pola are an exogamous patrilineal clan within the Jinghpaw/Kachin, and so all are multilingual, speaking other languages from within the cluster natively, as well as some Chinese and a local Tai language.
Yunnan, Dehong 德宏 Prefecture
Well under a thousand in Luxi 潞西, Yingjiang 盈江 and surrounding counties, included in the Jingpo 景頗 nationality, intermarrying with other groups within this nationality including Zaiwa 載瓦 (Atsi, Zi) and Langsu 浪速 (Lawngwaw, Maru) as well as Jinghpaw 景頗.
Informationen von: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
Data for the number of native speakers comes from D. Bradley (2000). Data for the ethnic population is from J. Edmondson (2001).