[aka Cayubaba, Cayuwaba, Kayuvava]Classification: Isolate
Classification: Isolate
Cayubaba, Cayuwaba, Kayuvava, Cavuhaba |
Isolate, South American |
ISO 639-3 |
cyb |
As csv |
Information from: “Cayubaba” (141-374 ch. Cayubaba) . Crevels, Mily and Pieter Muysken (2012) , Mily Crevels and Pieter Muysken · Plural Editores
"la lengua cayubaba está al borde de la extinción. Harold Key ... recopiló sus datos del cayubaba entre 1956 y 1962, y por aquel entonces sus informantes principales, Don Pablo Asiama y su esposa Doña Nasia Abareco, sólo podían nombrar a seis personas ancianas que sabían hablar la lengua con soltura. Por lo tanto, podemos decir que ya se ha dejado de hablar el cayubaba desde hace varias generaciones" (p. 342).
[The Cayubaba language is on the verge of extinction. Harold Key ... collected his data on Cayubaba between 1956 and 1962, and at that time his main informants, Don Pablo and his wife Doña Asiama Nasia Abareco, could only name six elderly persons who could speak the language fluently. Therefore, we can say that Cayubaba ceased to spoken several generations ago].
Municipio de Exaltación, departamento de Beni
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
4 (Crevels 2007). 4 elderly speakers and a few semi-speakers (Crevels 2007). Ethnic population: 650 (2006 PIB) (2013).
Beni Department, west of Mamore River, north of Santa Ana.
Beni Department, west of Mamore River, north of Santa Ana.
Information from: “Highland South America and the Caribbean” . Willem Adelaar and Gustavo Solis Fonseca (2010) , Christopher Moseley · UNESCO
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
Bolivia, Department of Beni, Province of Yacuma, west of the Mamore River, north of Santa Ana, in the municipality of Exaltacion, mainly in the village of Exaltacion