Kanienʼkéha (Mohawk)

[, другое название: Kanienʼkeha, Kanien'kehaka, Kanyenʼkéha]

Классификация: Iroquoian


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Kanien'keha:ka is a song that recognizes the 7 mohawk territories across the six nations, Hotinonhson:ni Confederacy.

Grades 3,4,5 AMS Kanien'keha Konterennotha"&" Special guest Selena Ottertail Brisson"Recorded By KAV Productions"Cover Design by Ian (Tehanonsake) Clute"Cover Pic by Shelly Cruickshank"Music Instructor Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters"Niawenhko:wa to the Sweetgra

Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

1 января 1970 г.

Grades 3,4,5 AMS Kanien'keha Konterennotha & Special guest Selena Ottertail Brisson Recorded By KAV Productions Cover Design by Ian (Tehanonsake) Clute Cover Pic by Shelly Cruickshank Music Instructor Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters Niawenhko:wa to the Sweetgras

Mohawk Song

Grades 3,4,5 AMS Kanien'keha Konterennotha & Special guest Selena Ottertail Brisson Recorded By KAV Productions Cover Design by Ian (Tehanonsake) Clute Cover Pic by Shelly Cruickshank Music Instructor Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters Niawenhko:wa to the Sweetgras

Ahkwesãhsne Mohawk Board of Education
