精选 How to make learning materials for conversation and document at the same time 由Mary Hermes提交 flag inappropriate content How to teach when the teacher isn't fluent 由Leanne Hinton提交 flag inappropriate content 语言文献知识库 Infographic: 10 Facts about Canadian Aboriginal Languages flag inappropriate content 由wintranslation WTB提交 Birds flag inappropriate content 由Cheryl Herman提交 Dene /location Words flag inappropriate content 由Cheryl Herman提交 Teacher Instruction Book Nubian (in Arabic) flag inappropriate content 由Rami El Aasser提交 Arctic Languages Project flag inappropriate content 由Bryn Hauk提交 LFEC 20 1.1 flag inappropriate content 由gerard sansano提交 LFR 20 1.1 flag inappropriate content 由gerard sansano提交 LFERC 24.1 flag inappropriate content 由gerard sansano提交 LFAR 15 flag inappropriate content 由gerard sansano提交 दरै जातिक बसोबास flag inappropriate content 由LOVE NEPAL darai raj提交 Gramatica Guarani - Ñe'êtekuaa 07 flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Gramatica Guarani - Ñe'êtekuaa 06 flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Gramatica Guarani - Ñe'êtekuaa 05 flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Gramatica Guarani - Ñe'êtekuaa 04 flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Gramatica guarani- Ñe'êtekuaa (03) flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Gramatica guarani- Ñe'êtekuaa (02) flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Gramatica guarani- Ñe'êtekuaa (01) flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 EL KUNUMI - DIAPOSITIVAS EN GUARANI EDUCATIVAS N° 4 - VOCABULARIO GUARANI flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 El Kunumi- Video de diapositiva educativa Nº 5 flag inappropriate content 由Jorge Roman Gomez提交 Háusayáyu'u du glwa flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Huksyuuʔis ʔuḥʔiš qiickwiiʔaƛʔi č̓apac flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Gadim G̱an g̱anhl W̓ii Mm̓aal flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 šɛ nuxʷɛɬ hɛga Mɛnaθey flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Skwi’ikwexam Qes te Wet’ot’e Slexwelh flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Etsím Skw’eshím iy ta Eskwekwín̓ Snexwílh flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Apsch Akichikiwan akichikeet isko mitatomitano flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Poksskaaksini Kiipipo Ito’tokstakiiwa flag inappropriate content 由The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University提交 Language and Culture Immersion Progams Handbook flag inappropriate content 由First Peoples' Cultural Council提交 Culture Camps for Language Learning: An Immersion Handbook flag inappropriate content 由First Peoples' Cultural Council提交 B.C.'s Master-Apprentice Language Program Handbook flag inappropriate content 由First Peoples' Cultural Council提交 Moving Toward the Language flag inappropriate content 由Mary Hermes提交 Native Language Immersion flag inappropriate content 由Jon Reyhner提交 Best Practices: Language Conservation and Revitalization flag inappropriate content 由Eve Okura提交 语言学习论坛