Amur Nivkh

[également appelé Nivx, Gilyak, амурский нивхский язык]

Classification : Nivkh


en grand danger

Métadonnées relatives aux langues

Nivx, Gilyak, амурский нивхский язык, Nivukhi, Ghilyak, Ghiliak, Gelyak, Giriyaaku, Нивхгу диф, Ньиғвӈгун, гиляцкий язык


Cyrillic script



En tant que csv

Nivkh is often regarded as an isolate, but, like Ainu, it may also be viewed as a small family, comprising two closely related, but mutually unintelligible, languages; attempts to demonstrate the existence of a genetic connection between Nivkh and other families have not given generally accepted results.

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