Koro (India)
[aka Aka, Hrusso, Angka]Classification: Unclassified
Classification: Unclassified
Anthony Degio explains one of the 11 plants. A clip from "Koro Ethnobotany: 11 plants and their uses in Koro culture."
Filmed by Jeremy Fahringer for the Living Tongues Institute; Interviewed by K. David Harrison; Co-created by Anthony Degio |
Nov. 9, 2010 |
Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages |
India |
Filmed by Jeremy Fahringer for the Living Tongues Institute; Interviewed by K. David Harrison; Co-created by Anthony Degio |
This material is copyrighted. Please contact LivingTongues for more information. |
Tarek Chnaina 4643 days ago
paula ferreira 4643 days ago
Gente vamos compartilhar e para o nosso bem. e toda a nação.
brian lamb 4643 days ago
thank you for sharing the knowledge, i hope your language survives
Shinohara Aira 4391 days ago
the language is unique..where can i learn to speak like tht?
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