Koro (India) [aka Aka, Hrusso, Angka] Classification: Unclassified · endangered Description Resources Activity Revitalization Bibliography Suggest a Change Subscribe
Videos Sort by: Recently Added | Best Rated | Most Viewed delete Koro Ethnobotany - Anthony Degio - [6] 4 delete Koro Ethnobotany - Anthony Degio - [7] 0 delete Koro Ethnobotany - Anthony Degio - [8] Jungle Yam 1 delete Koro Ethnobotany - Anthony Degio - [9] 0 delete Koro Ethnobotany - Anthony Degio - Introduction 0 delete Koro Ethnobotany - Sange Degio - [2b] 0 delete Koro song 3, sung by Abamu Degio and Moreng Degio 5 delete Koro song 4, sung by Abamu Degio and Moreng Degio 3 delete bead names in Koro 0 Links Koro (Aka) Talking Dictionary from Living Tongues link