
[别称 Kxoe, Khoe, Buga]




  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International

  • Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing

  • World Oral Literature Project .

  • The twelve modern Khoisan languages . Matthias Brenzinger (2011) · In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Khoisan Languages and Linguistics

  • A Grammar of Modern Khwe (Central Khoisan) ( pp. 365 ) . Christa Kilian-Hatz (2008) · Research in Khoisan Studies · Vol. 23 · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • The fate of the Khoesan Languages of Botswana ( pp. 267-284 ) . Batibo, Herman M. (1998) · In Endangered Languages in Africa edited by Brenzinger, Matthias · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • Khwe dictionary ( pp. 431 ) . Kilian-Hatz, Christa (2003) · Namibian African studies, #7 · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • The rights of indigenous peoples: the Kxoe people of Namibia . Nangoloh, Phil ya and Trumper, W. and Mnakapa, Zen-Asser (1996) · National Soc. for Human Rights

  • On nominal gender marking in Kxoe ( pp. 65-93 ) . Kilian-Hatz, Christa and Heine, Bernd (1998) · In Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung (Research in Khoisan studies), #15 · edited by Schladt, Mathias · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • Khoisan Traces in Kavango Languages ( pp. 193-215 ) . Karsten Legère (1998) · In Language, identity, and conceptualization among the Khoisan Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung/Research in Khoisan Studies · Vol. 15 · edited by Schladt, Mathias · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • Forms and functions of *!’o in some Khoe languages ( pp. 285-303 ) . Vossen, Rainer (1998) · In Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung (Research in Khoisan studies), #15 · edited by Schladt, Mathias · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • Moving to survive: Kxoe communities in arid lands ( pp. 321-357 ) . Brenzinger, Matthias (1998) · In Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung (Research in Khoisan studies), #15 · Vol. 15 · edited by Schladt, Mathias · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • On describing conceptual structure: examples from Kxoe ( pp. 371-397 ) . Schladt, Mathias (1998) · In Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung (Research in Khoisan studies), #15 · Vol. 15 · edited by Schladt, Mathias · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • Kxoe tone and Kxoe ‘jonctures’ ( pp. 225-235 ) . Elderkin, Edward Derek (1986) · In Contemporary studies on Khoisan: in honour of Oswin Köhler on the occasion of his 75th birthday Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung, #5 · Vol. v. 1 · edited by Vossen, Rainer and Keuthmann, Klaus · Helmut Buske Verlag

  • Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung der Verbaljunkturen im Kxoe und anderen Zentralkhoisan-Sprachen ( pp. 9-21 ) . Heine, Bernd (1986) · In Contemporary studies on Khoisan: in honour of Oswin Köhler on the occasion of his 75th birthday Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung, #5 · Vol. pt. 2 · edited by Vossen, Rainer and Keuthmann, Klaus · Helmut Buske Verlag

  • Universality and diversity: ideophones from Baka and Kxoe ( pp. 155-163 ) . Kilian-Hatz, Christa (2001) · In Ideophones Typological studies in language, #44 · edited by Voeltz, Erhard Friedrich Karl and Kilian-Hatz, Christa · John Benjamins Publishing Company

  • Patterns of Linguistic Convergence in the Khoe-speaking Area of Southern Africa ( pp. 189-200 ) . Rainer Vossen (2011) · In Geographical Typology and Linguistic Areas: With Special Reference to Africa edited by Osamu Hieda and Christa König and Hirosi Nakagawa · John Benjamins Publishing Company

  • Where are the Khoesan of Botswana? ( pp. 13-31 ) . Sue Hasselbring (2000) · In Botswana: the Future of the Minority Languages Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft · Vol. 40 · edited by Herman M. Batibo and Birgit Smieja · Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang

  • Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·

  • Languages in Botswana: Language Ecology in Southern Africa . Lars-Gunnar Andersson and Tore Janson (1997) · Longman Botswana

  • The fate of the minority languages of Botswana ( pp. 243-252 ) . Batibo, Herman M. (1997) · In Human Contact through Language and Linguistics Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft · Vol. 31 · edited by Birgit Smieja and Meike, Tasch · Frankfurt, Bern: Peter Lang

  • A Short Survey of Bushman Languages ( pp. 52-72 ) . D. F. Bleek (1939-1940) · Zeitschrift für Eingeborenensprachen. XXX

  • A Bushman Dictionary . D. F. Bleek (1956) · American Oriental Series · Vol. 41 · New Haven: American Oriental Society

  • Bushman Grammar ( pp. 81-98 ) . D. F. Bleek (1928-1929) · Zeitschrift für Eingeborenensprachen. XIX

  • The Bushman language ( pp. 268-284 ) . Bleek, W. H. I. (1869) · In The Cape and its people, and other essays edited by Roderick Noble · Cape Town: J. C. Juta

  • South African Black English: lexical and syntactic characteristics ( pp. 242-250 ) . Q. Buthelezi (1995) · In Language and social history: studies in South African sociolinguistics edited by Rajend Mesthrie · Cape Town: David Philip

  • Die Schnalzsprachen ( pp. 296-315 ) . W. Planert (1926) · Bibliotheca Africana. II

  • Distribuição Étnica de Angola . José Redinha (1962) · Luanda: C.I.T.A

  • Juu Subgroups Based on Phonological Patterns ( pp. to appear ) . Bonny Sands (2005) · In Khoisan Language and Linguistics: the Riezlern Symposium 2003 Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung/Research in Khoisan Studies · Vol. 17 · edited by M. Brenzinger and C. König · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • Evaluating Claims of Distant Relationship . Sands, Bonny (1995) ·

  • Ergebnisse einer Bereisung des Gebiets zwischen Okawango und Sambesi (Caprivi-Zipfel) in den Jahren 1905 und 1906 ( pp. 1-111 ) . Franz Seiner (1909) · In Mittheilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn

  • Ergebnisse einer Bereisung der Omaheke in den Jahren 1910-1912 ( pp. 225-316 ) . Franz Seiner (1913) · In Mittheilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn

  • The Bushman and Hottentot Languages of Southern Africa ( pp. 28-44 ) . J. W. Snyman (1974) · Limi: bulletin of the Department of Bantu languages, University of South Africa.

  • Bushman and Hottentot Linguistic Studies . (1977) · Miscellanea Congregalia · edited by J. W. Snyman · Pretoria: University of South Africa

  • Internal and External Relations of Khoe-Khoe Dialects: A Preliminary Survey ( pp. 21-106 ) . Jan W. Snyman (1997) · In Namibian Languages: Reports and Papers Namibian African Studies · Vol. 4 · edited by W. H. G. Haacke and E. D. Elderkin · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • The Non-Bantu languages of North-Eastern Africa . Archibald N. Tucker and Margaret A. Bryan (1956) · Handbook of African Languages · Vol. III · Oxford University Press

  • Studying the Linguistic and Ethno-History of the Khoe-speaking (Central Khoisan) peoples of Botswana research in progress ( pp. 19-35 ) . Rainer Vossen (1984) · Botswana Notes and Records. 16

  • Die Khoe-Sprachen: Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Sprachgeschichte Afrikas . Rainer Vossen (1997) · Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung/Research in Khoisan Studies · Vol. 12 · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • The Bushman Tribes of Southern Africa . A. M. Duggan-Cronin and D. F. Bleek (1942) · Kimberley: Alexander McGregor Memorial Museum

  • Proposals on Khoisan Reconstruction ( pp. 105-130 ) . Christopher Ehret (1986) · Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika. 7 (2) ·

  • On the External Genealogical Relationships of the Khoe Family . T. Güldemann and E. D. Elderkin (2005) · In Khoisan Language and Linguistics: the Riezlern Symposium 2003 Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung/Research in Khoisan Studies · Vol. 17 · edited by M. Brenzinger and C. König · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • Internal and External Relations of Khoe-Khoe Dialects: A Preliminary Survey ( pp. 125-209 ) . Wilfrid Haacke and Eliphas Eiseb and Levi Namaseb (1997) · In Namibian Languages: Reports and Papers Namibian African Studies · Vol. 4 · edited by W. H. G. Haacke and E. D. Elderkin · Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

  • The ex͡tdoublepipeAni: Grammatical notes and texts . Bernd Heine (1999) · Khoisan Forum Working Papers · Vol. 11 · Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität zu Köln

  • Observations on the Central Khoisan Language Group ( pp. 227-234 ) . O. Köhler (1963) · Journal of African Languages. 2 (3) ·

  • Die Khoe-sprachigen Buschmänner der Kalahari: Ihre Verbreitung und Gliederung ( pp. 373-411 ) . Oswin Köhler (1971) · In Forschungen zur allgemeinen und regionalen Geographie: Festschrift für Kurt Kayser zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres Kölner Geographische Arbeiten · Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner

  • La langue Kxoe ( pp. 483-555 ) . O. Köhler (1981) · In Les langues de l'Afrique Subsaharienne Les Langues dans le Monde Ancien et Moderne · Vol. I · edited by Jean Perrot · Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Sciéntifique

  • Few People, Many Tongues: The Languages of Namibia ( pp. 222 ) . Jouni F. Maho (1998) · Windhoek, Namibia: Gamsberg Macmillan

  • Patterns of language knowledge and language use in Ngamiland, Botswana. ( pp. 83 ) . Vossen, Rainer (1988) · Bayreuth African studies series · Vol. 13 · Beyreuth: Universität Bayreuth

  • The age of "Bushman" languages in southern African prehistory ( pp. 59-79 ) . Westphal, E.O.J. (1980) · In Bushman and Hottentot linguistic studies (Papers of seminar held on 27 July 1979) edited by Snyman, J.W. · Pretoria: University of South Africa

  • Die Hukwe ( pp. 8-44 ) . J. H. Wilhelm (1955) · Jahrbuch des Museums für Völkerkunde. 13

  • The Khoe and San: an annotated bibliography . Shelagh M. Willet and Stella Monageng and Sidsel Saugestad and Janet Hermans (2002) · Gaborone: Lightbooks

  • An Outline of the Bushman Language ( pp. 81-87 ) . C. F. Wuras (1919-20) · Zeitschrift für Eingeborenensprachen. X

  • The Black Carib of British Honduras . Douglas M. Taylor (1951) · Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology · Vol. 17 · New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research

  • La langue kxoe ( pp. 483-555 ) . Oswin Köhler (1981) · In Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne edited by Perrot, Jean · Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique