信息不完整 “How many languages were spoken in Australia?” . Claire Bowern (2011)
信息不完整 “Yinhawangka” . Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre (2009)
20 percent certain, based on the evidence available
"In 2004 there were estimated to be less than four speakers of the Yinhawangka language. A number of people are partial speakers, have a passive knowledge of Yinhawangka and many more identify as being from Yinhawangka heritage. Yinhawangka is classified as a critically endangered language... Most speakers are elderly with some children of speakers having a strong partial knowledge of the language. There appear to be no children who are speaking the language as a first or strong second language."
"The Yinhawangka people traditionally lived around an area in the Pilbara to the south east of the town of Onslow. It covers the area containing the Angelo River, Ashburton River, Hardey River, Kunderong Range, Mount Vernon Station, Rocklea and Turee Creek... Remaining Yinhawangka speakers live in the community of Bellary Springs located between the towns of Tom Price and Paraburdoo, and in the town of Tom Price."
信息不完整 “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 18th Edition” . Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig · SIL International
20 percent certain, based on the evidence available
"Western Australia: Angelo river; Ashburton river; Hardey river; Kunderong range; Mount Vernon station; Rocklea; Turee creek."