Barngarla [别称 Parnkala, Parnkalla, Banggarla] 语系:Pama-Nyungan · 唤醒 说明 资源 活动 Revitalization 参考文献 记录语言 Subscribe
视频 Sort by: Recently Added | Best Rated | Most Viewed delete Reviving the Barngarla Language 0 链接 Revival Linguistics and the New Media: Talknology in the service of the Barngarla Language Reclamation 链接 SBS video "Pride and identity: Reviving Indigenous languages" 链接 EdX course on language revival, with materials on Barngarla 链接 PDF of Clamor Schürmann’s Barngarla grammar 链接 Barngarla Peoples of South Australia (Facebook group) 链接 An article by Anna Goldsworthy on the Barngarla language reclamation (The Monthly, September 2014) 链接 Reviving Barngarla language 链接 语法 Reviving Bargarla language 提供方 Bryn Hauk 15 May