[aka Lakota]Classification: Siouan
Classification: Siouan
Lakota |
Siouan, Mississippi Valley Siouan, Dakota |
dak, lkt, sto |
As csv |
Information from: “North America” (7-41) . Victor Golla and Ives Goddard and Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun and Mauricio Mixco (2008) , Chris Moseley and Ron Asher · Routledge
Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
Information from: “Endangered Languages of the United States” (108-130) . Christopher Rogers, Naomi Palosaari and Lyle Campbell (2010) , Christopher Moseley · UNESCO
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
Ethnologue distinguishes 4 Dakota languages: Assiniboine [asb], Dakota [dak], Lakota [lkt], Stoney [sto].
15,400 in US (1990 census), decreasing. 31 monolinguals (1990 census). 250 Yanktonais (1997 D. Parks); Census (2000) data may include Lakota. Population total all countries: 19,280. Ethnic population: 5,000 Yanktonais (1997 D. Parks); 20,475 (2000 census).
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 19th Edition (2016)” . Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig · SIL International
Dakota [dak]: US: 100 (2016 W. Meya). Ethnic population: 170,000 (2016 Lakota Language Consortium). Includes all ethnic Sioux. Canada: 190 (2016 W. Meya). 2300 L1 speakers of all Sioux dialects in a total population of 175,000, of which 5,000 reside in Canada (2016 Lakota Language Consortium). Ethnic population: 5,000 (2016 Lakota Language Consortium). Includes all ethnic Sioux.
Lakota [ltk]: US: 2000 (1997 W. Meya). 2300 L1 speakers of all Sioux dialects in a total population of 175,000. L2 users: 100 in US (2016 W. Meya). Ethnic population: 170,000 (2016 W. Meya). Includes all ethnic Sioux. Total users in all countries: 2200 (as L1: 2,100; as L2: 100). Canada: 100 (2016 Lakota Language Consortium). Ethnic population: 5000 (2016 Lakota Language Consortium). Includes all ethnic Sioux.
Stoney [sto]: 3160 (2011 census). Ethnic population: 3200 (Golla 2007).
Dakota [dak]: Minnesota: Upper Sioux, Lower Sioux, Prior Lake, Prairie Island, Minneapolis; Montana: Fort Peck reservation; Nebraska: Santee; North Dakota: Devils Lake, northern Standing Rock reservation, Sisseton-Lakota Traverse reservation; South Dakota: Crow Creek, Sisseton-Lakota Traverse and Yankton reservations, Flandreau. Canada: Manitoba: south; Saskatchewan: Oak River and Oak Lake, Long Plain west of Winnipeg, Standing Buffalo, Birdtail, Stony Wahpeton, and Moose Woods. May be at Wood Mountain Reserve.
Lakota [lkt]: US: Nebraska: northwest corner; North Dakota: Bismark, Standing Rock reservation; South Dakota: Cheyenne River, Lower Brule reservation, Pine Ridge, Rapid City, Rosebud; Urban centers including Denver, Minneapolis, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle. Canada: Saskatchewan: Wood Mountain Reserve.
Stoney [sto]:
Alberta province: Alexis, Bighorn, Eden Valley, Morley, and Paul reserves west and northwest of Calgary and west of Edmonton.
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press