Diné Bizaad (Navajo)

[también conocido como Diné Bizaad, Navajo, Navaho]

Clasificación: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit


en situación de riesgo


/Amazing Grace (Lyrics in the Navajo Language)

This video provides the lyrics to the famous hymnal, Amazing Grace, written by John Newton and translated in the Navajo language by Albert Tsosie. The literal translation of each word or words below the Navajo words is provided in English. This song is sung by Elizabeth Bryant and Virginia Greymountain of Inscription House, AZ. Pictured in the background is Monument Valley, UT. To purchase the music for this song, you can contact the artist at: PMB #5084, HC-70 Box 3 Tonalea, AZ. 86044. The price is $20 FOR THE CDS AND $15 FOR THE TAPES. Approval to post this address given by the artist.


Daybreak Warrior


30 de Mayo de 2009

