Diné Bizaad (Navajo)
[également appelé Diné Bizaad, Navajo, Navaho]Classification : Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
Classification : Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
This video gives the instructions on how to make chiilchin. Instructions are given entirely in the Navajo language. Chiiłchin is the Navajo name for sumac berries. It also refers to a pudding that is made from sumac berries. An English translation of this dish would be called Sumac Berry Pudding. Chiiłchin is a traditional Navajo dish. It predates Navajo Tacos and fry bread. Sumac berries or chiiłchin are indigenous to the Southwest area. Included in this video is some background on when to pick sumac berries, how to prepare sumac berries for use, storage, & the additional uses that the sumac plant has, such as in making the Navajo Wedding Basket, as a wool dye, and medicinal use. This video also provides the Navajo words for various cooking actions (such as mixing, boiling, pouring, etc.), cooking utensils (such as cup, cooking pot, wisk, cooking spoon, & a coffee grinder), and for the various ingredients (flour, sugar, & possibly blue corn meal, raisins or apricots for
40006.0 |
Education |
7 décembre 2009 |
DayBreakWarrior |
maheshwaraiah maheshwaraiah il y a 4193 jours
It is excellent preparation,and a wonderfull traditional knowldge system
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