
Classificação: Isolate



  • Dying Words: Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us . Nicholas Evans (2009) · John Wiley & Sons

  • La situación sociolingüística de la lengua seri en 2006 . Stephen A. Marlett (2006) · In Situaciones sociolingüísticas de lenguas amerindias edited by Stephen A. Marlett · SIL International y Universidad Ricardo Palma

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International

  • The World Atlas of Language Structures . (2005) · edited by Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press

  • Seri Language . (2013) ·

  • The Structure of Seri . Stephen A. Marlett (1981) ·

  • A Typological Overview of the Seri Language ( pp. 54-73 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2005) · Linguistic Discovery. 3 (1) ·

  • Seri de Sonora . Moser, Mary B. and Marlett, Stephen A. (1996) · Archivo de Lenguas Indígenas de México

  • Seri-Castellano: Castellano-Seri . Edward Moser and Mary B. Moser (1961) · Serie de Vocabularios Indígenas · Vol. 5 · D. F.: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, México

  • The Syllable Structure of Seri ( pp. 245-278 ) . Marlett, Stephen A. (1988) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 54 (3) ·

  • The Structure of Seri . Marlett, Stephen A. (1981) ·

  • Switch-reference and subject raising in Sero ( pp. 247-268 ) . Marlett, Stephen A. (1984) · In The syntax of Native American languages edited by Cook, Eung-Do and Gerdts, Donna B. · Academic Press

  • Seri-Castellano, Castellano-Seri . Moser, Edward and Moser, Mary B. (1961) · Instituto Lingüıstico de Verano

  • Compendio del idiomas seri ( pp. 257-279 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (1984) · Anales de Antropología. XXI UNAM

  • Sinopsis del idioma seri . Stephen A. Marlett (no date, but around 1984) ·

  • Las lenguas indígenas del noroeste de México: pasado y presente ( pp. 125-136 ) . José Luis Moctezuma Zamarrón (1991) · In El Noroeste de México y sus culturas étnicas: Seminario de etnografía “Fernando Cámara Barbachano” edited by Donaciano Gutiérrez and Josefina Gutiérrez Tripp · Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

  • Why the Seri language is important and interesting ( pp. 485-489 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2000) · Journal of the Southwest. 42 (3) ·

  • El diccionario comunitario y dinámico como palanca en el fortalecimiento de la identidad etnolingüística ( pp. 89-101 ) . (2004) · Lengua y Sociedad. 7 (2) ·

  • Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac: Diccionario seri- español-inglés [y con gramática] . Mary B. Moser and Stephen A. Marlett (2005) · Plaza y Valdés Editores and Universidad de Sonora

  • La situación sociolingüística de la lengua seri en 2006 . Stephen A. Marlett (2006) · In Situaciones sociolingüísticas de lenguas amerindias SIL and Universidad Ricardo Palma

  • La evolución del alfabeto seri ( pp. 311-329 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2006) · In Octavo Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste edited by María del Carmen Morúa · Universidad de Sonora

  • Bringing it home: the implications of documentation for a vibrant endangered language ( pp. 157-163 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2007) · In Proceedings of conference on language documentation and linguistic theory edited by Peter K. Austin and Oliver Bond and David Nathan · School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

  • The implications of language documentation for an endangered but vibrant language community: A historical perspective . Stephen A. Marlett (2008) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics. 48

  • El devenir de las lenguas indígenas en el norte de México ( pp. 201-268 ) . José Luis Moctezuma Zamarrón (2008) · In I Coloquio Carl Lumholtz en el 15 aniversario de la ENAH Chihuahua edited by Juan Luis Sariego Rodríguez · INAH

  • De la fonología a la práctica ortográfica: Hacia un sistema de escritura en el konkaak ( pp. 195-214 ) . Ana Lidia Munguía Duarte and Gerardo López Cruz (2009) · In Lexicografía y escritura en lenguas mexicanas edited by Andrés Acosta Félix and Zarina Estrada Fernández · Editorial UniSon

  • A place for writing: Language cultivation and literacy in the Seri community ( pp. 183-194 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2010) · Revue Roumaine de Linguistique. 55 (2) ·

  • Ox ctpacáama he ... Hant tiix comcáac (Así empezó ...): Propuesta de revitalización del comcáac . Guillermo Hernández Santana (2011) ·

  • The Seris and the Comcaac: Sifting fact from fiction about the names and relationships ( pp. 1-20 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2011) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session. 51

  • A grammar of Seri . Stephen A. Marlett (in preparation) ·

  • A provisional analysis of Seri, a native language of Sonora, Mexico . Marjorie M. Schweitzer (1953) ·

  • Consonant-vowel balance in Seri (Hokan) syllables ( pp. 50-67 ) . Edward W. Moser and Mary B. Moser (1965) · Linguistics. 16

  • Empty consonants in Seri ( pp. 617-639 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and Joseph P. Stemberger (1983) · Linguistic Inquiry. 14

  • Surface contrast without phonemic contrast: theoretical and practical implications . Stephen A. Marlett (2003) ·

  • Relaciones de marcación y armonía relativa ( pp. 65-84 ) . Ana Lidia Munguía Duarte (2004) · Memorias del VII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. 1 edited by Isabel Barreras Aguilar and Mirna Castro Llamas ·

  • Morfofonología del konkaak [sic]: Aplicación de la investigación lingüística en la educación indígena . Ana Lidia Munguía Duarte (2005) ·

  • Seri ( pp. 117-121 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and F. Xavier Moreno Herrera and Genaro G. Herrera Astorga (2005) · Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 35 (1) ·

  • Alternancias vocálicas en posición intermorfémica en el konkaak: Control de predominancia morfológica ( pp. 295-320 ) . Ana Lidia Munguía Duarte (2006) · In Memorias del VIII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste edited by Rosa María Ortiz Ciscomani ·

  • Seri . Stephen A. Marlett and F. Xavier Moreno Herrera and Genaro G. Herrera Astorga (2006) · In Ilustraciones fonéticas de lenguas amerindias SIL and Universidad Ricardo Palma

  • El acento, extrametricalidad y la palabra mínima en seri . Stephen A. Marlett (2006) · In Encuentro de lenguas indígenas americanas: libro de actas

  • Stress, extrametricality and the minimal word in Seri ( pp. 1-14 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2008) · Linguistic Discovery. 6 (1) ·

  • Round vowel and dorsal consonant epenthesis in Seri . Stephen A. Marlett (2010) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics. 50

  • Switch-reference in Seri ( pp. 79-92 ) . Mary B. Moser (1976) · Proceedings of the 1976 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop. University Museum Studies 11 · edited by James E. Redden · University Museum and Art Galleries, Southern Illinois University

  • Switch-reference in Seri ( pp. 113-120 ) . Mary B. Moser (1978) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 44

  • Personal and impersonal passives in Seri ( pp. 217-239 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (1984) · In Studies in relational grammar 2 University of Chicago Press

  • Switch-reference and subject raising in Seri ( pp. 247-68 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (1984) · In Syntax and semantics 16: The syntax of Native American Languages edited by E. D. Cook and D. Gerdts · Academic Press

  • Notions of subjecthood and switch reference: Evidence from Seri ( pp. 431-56 ) . Patrick Farrell and Stepehen A. Marlett and David M. Perlmutter (1991) · Linguistic Inquiry. 22

  • Polar questions in Seri ( pp. 1-9 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (2000) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 44

  • Seguimiento de la referencia en el cuento seri . Jorge Armando Martínez Soto (2003) ·

  • The grammar of names . John Anderson (2007) · Oxford University Press

  • Basic Locative Construction in Seri ( pp. 253-269 ) . Carolyn O'Meara (2008) · Memorias del IX Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. 2 edited by Rosa María Ortiz Ciscomani ·

  • The form and use of names in Seri ( pp. 47-82 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2008) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 74 (1) ·

  • The phasal verb construction in Seri . Stephen A. Marlett (2008) · Proceedings of the Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America-III (25-27 October 2007). University of Texas

  • Denominal verbs in Seri ( pp. 471-488 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2008) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 74 (4) ·

  • Sistema de alineamiento en construcciones bitransitivas de la lengua de los Comcáac de Punta Chueca, Sonora . Maria Alfonsa Larios Santacruz (2009) ·

  • Semantic and syntactic subcategorization in Seri: Recipients and Addressees ( pp. 293-321 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2010) · In Hypothesis A / Hypothesis B: Linguistic explorations in honor of David M. Perlmutter edited by Donna B. Gerdts and John C. Moore and Maria Polinsky · MIT Press

  • Relative clauses in Seri ( pp. 213–241 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2012) · In Relative clauses in languages of the Americas: A typological overview edited by Bernard Comrie and Zarina Estrada-Fernández · Benjamins

  • Relative clauses in Seri ( pp. 213–241 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2012) · In Relative clauses in languages of the Americas: A typological overview edited by Bernard Comrie and Zarina Estrada-Fernández · Benjamins

  • Abecedario seri . Edward Moser and Mary B. Moser (1955) · Instituto Lingüístico de Verano

  • Cartilla seri . Mary B. Moser (1985) · Instituto Lingüístico de Verano

  • Los números en seri . Edward Moser and Mary B. Moser (1956) · Instituto Lingüístico de Verano

  • Hablemos español (Cocsar íitong quih cöscóoza) . Edward Moser and Mary B. Moser (1964) · Instituto Lingüístico de Verano

  • Cuaam coop (La tejedora de canastas) . (1969) · Instituto Lingüístico de Verano

  • Knoíki íitom: lengua seri de Sonora, primer ciclo, parte 1 . Pedro Romero Astorga (1994) · Dirección General de Educación Indígena de la Subsecretaría de Educación Básica y Normal de la Secretaría de Educación Pública

  • Animalitos del desierto y del mar . Rodgrigo Moreno Méndez (1997) ·

  • Aclaraciones sobre la ortografía seri . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1998) ·

  • La forma escrita de la lengua seri . Stephen A. Marlett (2006) ·

  • literature of American aboriginal languages . Hermann Ernst Ludewig (1858) · Trübner

  • Lenguas primitivas ( pp. 148-149 ) . José F. Ramírez (1861) · Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística de la República Mexicana. 2 (1) ·

  • Cuadro descriptivo y comparativo de las lenguas indígenas de México: o Tratado de filología mexicana. [vol. II] . Franciso Pimentel (1875) · Isidoro Epstein

  • Der Yuma-Sprachstamm nach den neuesten handschriftlichen Quellen ( pp. 123-147 ) . Albert S. Gatschet (1883) · Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 15

  • Der Yuma-Sprachstamm nach den neuesten handschriftlichen Quellen ( pp. 97-122 ) . Albert S. Gatschet (1886) · Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 18

  • Seventh annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution . John Wesley Powell (1891) · Government Printing Office

  • Comparative lexicology ( pp. 299-344 ) . J. N. B. Hewitt (1898) · In The Seri Indians: Seventeenth annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution edited by J. W. McGee ·

  • El seri ó el ceri ( ch. 28 ) . D. Francisco Pimentel (1903) · In Obras completas de D. Francisco Pimentel Tipografía Económica

  • Lengua seri o kunkáak ( pp. 237-294 ) . Fortunato Hernández (1904) · In Las razas indígenas de Sonora y la guerra del Yaqui J. De Elizalde

  • Serian, Tequistlatecan, and Hokan ( pp. 279-290 ) . Alfred L. Kroeber (1915) · University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. 11 (4) ·

  • The position of Yana in the Hokan stock ( pp. 1-34 ) . Edward Sapir (1917) · University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. 13

  • The Hokan and Coahuiltecan languages ( pp. 280-290 ) . Edward Sapir (1920) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 1 (4) ·

  • Parentescos uto-aztecas de la lengua seri ( pp. 37-41 ) . Edward H. Spicer (1953) · Yan.

  • Glottochronologic counts of Hokaltecan material ( pp. 42-48 ) . William Bright (1956) · Language. 32 (1) ·

  • Seris ( ch. 4 ) . Edward H. Spicer (1962) · In Cycles of conquest: the impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States on the Indians of the Southwest, 1533-1960 University of Arizona Press

  • Seri and Chontal (Tequistlateco) ( pp. 235-239 ) . Paul R. Turner (1967) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 33 (3) ·

  • Seri and Yuman ( pp. 305-324 ) . Judith G. Crawford (1976) · In Hokan Studies edited by Margaret Langdon and Shirley Silver · Mouton

  • Pluralization of nouns in Seri and Chontal ( pp. 305-324 ) . Paul R. Turner (1976) · In Hokan Studies edited by Margaret Langdon and Shirley Silver · Mouton

  • Historical linguistics and archeology ( pp. 170-177 ) . Kenneth Hale and Daivd Harris (1979) · In Southwest (vol. 9 of Handbook of North American Indians) edited by Alfonso Ortiz · Smithsonian Institution

  • Another look at Chontal and Hokan ( pp. 325-343 ) . Viola Grace Waterhouse (1976) · In Hokan Studies edited by Margaret Langdon and Shirley Silver · Mouton

  • Tales from Tiburon: An anthology of adventures in Seriland . Neil B. Carmony and David E. Brown (1983) · Southwest Natural History Association

  • A research program for reconstructing proto-Hokan: First gropings ( pp. 50-168 ) . Terrence Kaufman (1989) · Papers from the 1988 Hokan-Penutian Languages Workshop. Publications of the Center for Amerindian Linguistics and Ethnography 1 · edited by Scott Delancey · University of Oregon Papers in Linguistics

  • Proto-Hokan Roots ( pp. 366-402 ) . Dmitry Leshchiner (1992) · In Nostratic, Dene-Caucasian, Austric and Amerind materials from the First Internatianal Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory, Ann Arbor, 8-12 November, 1988 edited by Vitaly Shevoroshkin · Universitatsverlag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer

  • American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America ( pp. 160 ) . Lyle Campbell (1997) · In American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America Oxford University Press

  • Linguistic prehistory ( pp. 71-82 ) . Victor Golla (2001) · In California prehistory: colonization, culture, and complexity edited by Terry L. Jones and Kathryn A. Klar · AltaMira Press

  • Reanalysis of passive and negative prefixes in Seri . Stephen A. Marlett (2002) · Linguistic Discovery. 1

  • Las relaciones entre las lenguas "hokanas" en México: ¿Cuál es la evidencia? ( pp. 165-192 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2007) · Memorias del III Coloquio Internacional de Lingüística Mauricio Swadesh. edited by Cristina Buenrostro ·

  • Loanwords in Seri: the data . Stephen A. Marlett (2007) ·

  • The Seri and Salinan connection revisited ( pp. 393–399 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2008) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 74 (3) ·

  • Los dos primeros listados léxicos de la lengua seri (siglo XIX) ( pp. 51-57 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2009) · Cuadernos del Sur. 14 (28) ·

  • The nineteenth century Seri word lists: Comparison and analysis . Stephen A. Marlett (2010) · SIL-Mexico Branch Electronic Working Papers. 008

  • Corrections to and clarifications of the Seri data in Greenberg & Ruhlen’s An Amerind Etymological Dictionary ( pp. 1-9 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2011) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 51

  • [Vocabulary of the “Ceris”] . John R. Bartlett (1852) · Bureau of American Ethnology collection, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution

  • [Vocabulary of the Seri] . Alphonse Pinart (1879) ·

  • [Vocabulario seri] . Joaquín Loustaunau (1885) ·

  • The native races. Vol. 3, Myths and languages. . Hubert Howe Bancroft (1886) · The History Company

  • Vocabulario seri: seri-castellano, castellano-seri . Edward W. Moser and Mary B. Moser (1961) · Instituto Lingüístico de Verano

  • Articles in Seri ( pp. 67-89 ) . Mary B. Moser (1978) · In Proceedings of the 1977 Hokan-Yuman Languages Workshop Occasional Papers on Linguistics · Vol. 2 · Southern Illinois University

  • Terminología de parentesco seri ( pp. 367-88 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1989) · Anales de Antropología. 26

  • Seri kinship terminology ( pp. 21-35 ) . Mary B. Moser and Stephen A. Marlett (1993) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 37

  • Los números en seri ( pp. 63-79 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1994) · In Encuentro de lingüística en el noroeste, memorias edited by Zarina Estrada Fernández · Departamento de Letras y Lingüística, División de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo

  • El desarrollo de clases nominales en seri ( pp. 97-103 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1994) · In Estudios de Lingüística y SociolingüísticaUniversidad de Sonora & Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia edited by Gerardo López Cruz and José Luis Moctezuma Zamarrón · Universidad de Sonora & Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

  • Appendix C: Draft, Seri contributions to the intercontinental dictionary series ( pp. 191-232 ) . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1995) · In Proceedings of the Hokan-Penutian Workshop Survey of California and other Indian languages, Report 9 · edited by Victor Golla ·

  • Seri dictionary: people and kinship terms . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1997) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session. 41

  • Los números en seri . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1997) · SIL Electronic Working Papers. 1997-005

  • Seri dictionary: body parts, bodily processes, sickness and medicine . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1998) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 42

  • Seri dictionary: earth, sea, sky, time and weather . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1998) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session. 42

  • Seri dictionary: mammals . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1998) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 42

  • Seri dictionary: plants . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1999) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 43

  • Seri dictionary: colors . Stephen A. Marlett and Mary B. Moser (1999) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota.

  • Seri kinship terminology . Mary B. Moser and Stephen A. Marlett (1999) · SIL Electronic Working Papers. 1999-005

  • Quantification with 'all' in Seri . Stephen A. Marlett (2000) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 44

  • Seri . Mary B. Moser and Stephen A. Marlett (2001) · Intercontinental Dictionary Series · edited by Mary Ritchie Key ·

  • Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac: Diccionario seri-español-inglés . Mary B. Moser and Stephen A. Marlett (2010) · Plaza y Valdés Editores and Universidad de Sonora

  • Complex landscape terms in Seri ( pp. 316-339 ) . Carolyn O’Meara and Jürgen Bohnemeyer (2008) · Language Science. 30

  • Redundancia e idiosincrasia: sustantivos y determinantes en la lengua seri ( pp. 87-105 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (2009) · In Lexicografía y escritura en lenguas mexicanas edited by Andrés Acosta Félix and Zarina Estrada Fernández · Editorial UniSon

  • Seri landscape classification and spatial reference . Carolyn O’Meara (2010) ·

  • Motion events in Seri: Applying Talmy’s typologies . April E. Sachs (2010) ·

  • Number in Seri verbs . Edward W. Moser (1961) ·

  • Seri noun pluralization classes ( pp. 285-296 ) . Edward W. Moser and Mary B. Moser (1976) · In Hokan Studies edited by Margaret Langdon and Shirley Silver ·

  • Person and number inflection in Seri ( pp. 503-541 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (1990) · International Journal of American Linguistics. 56

  • One less crazy rule ( pp. 57-58 ) . Stephen A. Marlett (1994) · Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 38