
[también conocido como Saora, Savara, Sabara]

Clasificación: Austro-Asiatic


en situación de riesgo


Opino Gomango on Sora language

Opino Gomango gives a brief introduction to the background of the Sora language, spoken in India, and recites a few phrases in that language

K. David Harrison for the Living Tongues Institute; co-creator: Opino Gomango, speaker

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

11 de Noviembre de 2010

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages


K. David Harrison for the Living Tongues Institute; co-creator: Opino Gomango, speaker

This material is copyrighted. Please contact LivingTongues for more information.


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    Will Macdonald hace 4559 días

    Very interesting. This is my mother's mother tongue