Ngaliwurru [aka Baj Subgroup, Ngaliwerra, Ngaliwuru] Classification: Mirndi · endangered Description Resources Activity Revitalization Bibliography Suggest a Change Subscribe
Language metadata ALSO KNOWN AS Baj Subgroup, Ngaliwerra, Ngaliwuru CLASSIFICATION Mirndi CODE AUTHORITY LINGUIST List LANGUAGE CODE djd-nga DOWNLOAD As csv Language information by source Compare Sources (4) Information from: “Australasia and the Pacific” (97-126 ch. 4) . Darrell Tryon (2007) , R. E. Asher and Christopher Moseley · Routledge Information from: “Australasia and the Pacific” (97-126 ch. 4) . Darrell Tryon (2007) , R. E. Asher and Christopher Moseley · Routledge Endangered 20 percent certain, based on the evidence available ~100 Native speakers worldwide Information from: “Australasia and the Pacific” (425-577) . Stephen Wurm (2007) , Christopher Moseley · Routledge MORE ON SPEAKER NUMBERS "Hardly any speakers left" Information from: “Austlang: Australian Indigenous Languages Database” . AIATSIS Severely endangered 20 percent certain, based on the evidence available 12 Native speakers worldwide Information from: “How many languages were spoken in Australia?” . Claire Bowern (2011) Discussion Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus