[, другое название: Njerup,]Классификация: Niger-Congo
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Классификация: Niger-Congo
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Njerup |
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Benue-Congo, Northern Bantoid |
ISO 639-3 |
njr |
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Информация из: “Endangered Languages in Central Africa” (163-178) . Bruce Connell (2007) , Matthias Brenzinger · Mouton de Gruyter
"Youngest speaker aged about 60"
Информация из: “Africa” ( ch. 7) . Gerrit J. Dimmendaal and F. K. Erhard Voeltz (2007) , Christopher Moseley · Routledge
"Apparently, the Njerep language is no longer used for communication. Instead, people now use the language of the surrounding community, Ba or Mvop."
Информация из: “Njerep: A Postcard from the Edge” (95-125) . Bruce A. Connell and David Zeitlyn (2000)
"The survivors, it appears, are not up to the status of 'semi-speaker,' but are best viewed as 'rememberers.'"
"Njerep today is not a language of daily use. It is known--or remembered--by a small handful of people.... Of six people who have some scattered knowledge of the language, there is but one elderly man, Mial, who may still be capable of conversing in it to any extent."
"In its terminal stage, the language has been used primarily for greetings, joking, occasionally to share secrets, and its songs sung to recall the past. These functions have apparently died with [the last speaker]."
Mambila village of Somié in Adamawa Province, Cameroon
Информация из: “Moribund Languages of the Nigeria-Cameroon Borderland” (207-225) . Bruce Connell (1998) , Matthias Brenzinger · Köppe Verlag
"The census, done in January 1997, recorded 192 people living in the hamlet of Njerep (Mvamngo). Of these, almost half represent a recent immigration population. Only four listed Njerep as a language used at home... A fifth person indicated Njerep as a language she used outside the home (she is Njerep married to a non-Njerep), and a sixth Njerep speaker is known to live outside the hamlet in another quarter of Somié... The youngest of the Njerep speakers is now in her fifties"
"It [Njerep] is no longer used on a daily basis, though when together the few people who know the language may use it for joking or if they don't want to be understood by others."
Mvop (Mambila)
Mbar (Mambila)
"The Njerep speakers and their children listed Mvop, the Mambila lect (also called Ba) of the surrounding community, as the language of daily use, both inside and outside the home. Most also know some Fulfulde, and the younger ones (i.e. those who have been to school) also have some command of French, though use of these two languages is generally restricted to specific situations. Other languages, particularly the Mambila lect of Mbar, spoken mainly at Mbar on the Mambila plateau, are also spoken in the hamlet of Mvamngo"
"Njerep is, or was, most recently spoken in the Ba Mambila Village of Somié... They [the Njerep] are immigrants to their present location."