[别称 Posə, Posa, Posi, Palci, Pəlci, Palchi, Polchi, Polshi, ...]语系:Afro-Asiatic
Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) studies: In memoriam W. Vycichl
Condition, topic and focus in African languages: why conditionals are not topics
The pronominal system of South-Bauchi West Chadic languages
CIL 17
The Southern Bauchi Group of Chadic Languages - A Survey Report
Africana Marburgensia
Number in South-Bauchi-West Languages
Number in Africa and Beyond: Grammar, Semantics and Social Deixis
South Bauchi Chadic Language Map
Documenting linguistic varieties of the South-Bauchi group
Documenting linguistic varieties of the South-Bauchi group
Towards polylectal grammars of African languages
Numeral Systems of the World's Languages
Barawa Lexicon, A Wordlist of Eight South Bauchi (West Chadic) Languages: Boghom, Buli, Dott, Geji, Jimi, Polci, Sayanci, and Zul