B A, LL. B, from Gumal and Karachi Universities respectively
M A, Pol. Sc. from University of Peshawar
M Sc, Defence and Strategic Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad
Have a 30 years long illustrious career in Public Service and presently working as Collector of Customs
Has worked with SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) team of linguists working on Pakistani languages
Running a page in the FB with the name "Burki/Barki/Kaniguram" for preservation, promotion and development of Ormuri language and culture
Secured about five thousand Ormuri words for dictionary
A book on Ormuri Orthography namely "ماخ ا خوئ زبان ته ګور غاړه زر ژيېن؟" (Should we leave our language at death bed?"
A research paper "Dying languages; focus on Ormuri" published by National Institute of Public Administration, Karachi