[别称 Ong, Onge]语系:South Andamanese
语系:South Andamanese
信息不完整 “Endangered Languages of the Andaman Islands” . Anvita Abbi (2006) München: Lincom
Andamani Hindi
Little Andaman Island
"There are two settlements of Onge on the island since 1976. One is known as the Dugong Creek settlement and the other is known as the South Bay settlement. The majority of them live in the forest reserve area of Dugoing Creek."
信息不完整 “Personal Communication” . Gregory Anderson (2012)
"Since most are monolingual, perhaps it should be re-classified as endangered."
信息不完整 “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press