Western Huasteca Nahuatl
[, другое название: Nahuatl, Western Huasteca, Western Nahuatl, Nahuatl (Huasteca)]Классификация: Uto-Aztecan
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Классификация: Uto-Aztecan
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C. Hermann Berendt's 19th-century copy of the text of a musical drama in a Nahuatl-Spanish dialect named after one of its characters, with the satirical meaning, "the honored elder." The drama dates from the late 18th century or earlier. Other characters include a governor, a royal scribe, and local officials. Daniel Garrison Brinton's annotations in red ink (linguistic corrections to Berendt's text) and pencil (page number correspondences to publication) are later additions.
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania |
24 августа 1874 г. |
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania |
Masaya |
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania |
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania |
http://syslsl01.library.upenn.edu/cocoon/dla/brinton/pageturn.html?q=148&id=B |
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