
[aka Murelei, Merule, Mourle]

Classification: Surmic



  • Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·

  • Omo-Murle: A Preliminary Report ( pp. 73-91 ) . Hieda, Osamu (1991) · Journal of Swahili and African Studies. 2

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International

  • The World Atlas of Language Structures . (2005) · edited by Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press

  • A survey on language death in Africa ( pp. 402 ) . Sommer, Gabriele (1992) · In Language death: factual and theoretical explorations with special reference to East Africa Contributions to the sociology of language, #64 · edited by Brenzinger, Matthias · Mouton de Gruyter

  • On comparing language relationships: a case study of Murle, Kacipo and Tirma ( pp. 67-76 ) . Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1989) · Occasional papers in the study of Sudanese languages. 6

  • Sociolinguistic survey report of Tirma, Chai, Baale and Mursi ( pp. 3 ) . Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (2002) · SIL electronic survey reports (SILESR), #2002-033 · SIL International

  • Mice are Men: Language and Society Among the Murle of Sudan . Jonathan E. Arensen (1992) · International Museum of Cultures · Vol. 27 · Dallas: International Museum of Cultures

  • Murle Grammar . Jon Arensen (1982) · Occasional Papers in the Study of Sudanese Languages · Vol. 2 · Juba, Sudan: Summer Institute of Linguistics

  • The verb in the Tama and Didinga groups ( pp. 312-333 ) . Bryan, Margaret Arminel (1955) · In Afrikanistische Studien 5: Festschrift für D.~Westermann Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Orientforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin · Vol. 26 · edited by Lukas, Johannes · Berlin: Akademie-Verlag

  • Peoples of South-West Ethiopia and its Borderland . Ernesta Cerulli (1956) · Ethnographic Survey of Africa: North-Eastern Africa · Vol. III · London: International African Insitute

  • Aspects of Didinga Phonology and Morphology ( pp. 148-176 ) . D. Odden (1983) · In Nilo-Saharan language studies Monograph / Committee on Northeast African studies · Vol. 13 · edited by Bender, Marvin Lionel · East Lansing: African Studies Center, Michigan State Univversity

  • Bibliografia di studi africani della Missione dell'Africa Centrale . Santandrea, Stefano (1948) · Museum Combonianum · Vol. 1 · Verona: Missioni Africane

  • L'énigme des Murle de l'Omo ( pp. 55-75 ) . S. Tornay (1978) · L'Ethnographie. 76 (1) ·

  • The Omo Murle Enigma ( pp. 33-60 ) . Serge Tournay (1981) · In Peoples and Cultures of the Ethio-Sudan Borderlands Monograph / Committee on Northeast African studies · Vol. 10 · edited by Lionel M. Bender · East Lansing: African Studies Center, Michigan State University

  • Notes on Murle ('Beir') ( pp. 99-114 ) . A. N. Tucker (1951/1952) · AuU. XXXVI

  • The Didinga Language (Sudan) ( pp. 139-182 ) . J. H. Driberg (1931) · Mittheilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen. XXXIV

  • Studies in Nandi Etymology ( pp. 35-50, 146-60, 317-326 ) . Huntingford, G. W. B. (1929-1930) · Bibliotheca Africana. III

  • The languages of Ethiopia and their geographical distribution ( pp. 116-121 ) . Leslau, Wolf (1959) · Ethiopia observer. 3

  • A Murle Grammar . R. E. Lyth (1971) · Linguistic Monograph Papers · Vol. 7 · Sudan Research Unit, University of Khartoum

  • Murle grammar . Arensen, Jonathan E. (1982) · Occasional Papers in the Study of Sudanese Languages · Vol. 2 · Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Juba

  • A Comparative Study of the Phonetics and Phonology of Surmic Languages . Yigezu, Moges (2001) ·

  • A Murle Grammar . Lyth, R. E. (1971) · Linguistic Monograph Papers · Vol. 7 · Sudan Research Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum

  • Word order shift in negative sentences of Surma languages ( pp. 135-143 ) . Unseth, Peter (1986) · Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere. 5

  • Murle Categorization ( pp. 181-218 ) . Arensen, Jonathan E. (1998) · In Surmic Languages and Cultures edited by Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. and Last, Marco · Köppe Verlag

  • A reconsideration of the basis of group cohesion among the Murle of the southern Sudan . Andretta, Elizabeth Hain (1985) ·

  • Murle grammar ( pp. xiv, 143 ) . Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1982) · Occasional papers in the study of Sudanese languages, #2 · College of Education, Univ. of Juba; Summer Inst. of Linguistics (SIL)

  • Names in the life cycles of the Murle ( pp. 125-130 ) . Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1988) · Journal of the Anthropological Soc. of Oxford. 19 (2) ·

  • Aspects of language and society among the Murle of Sudan . Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1991) ·

  • Mice are men: language and society among the Murle of Sudan ( pp. xvii, 362 ) . Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1992) · Publ. of the International Museum of Cultures, #27 · International Museum of Cultures

  • Murle categorization ( pp. 181-218 ) . Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1998) · In Surmic languages and cultures Nilo-Saharan: linguistic analyses and documentation (NISA), #13 · edited by Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan and Last, Marco · Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

  • The verb in the Tama and Didinga groups ( pp. 312-333 ) . Bryan, Margaret Arminel (1955) · In Afrikanistische Studien 5: Festschrift für D. Westermann Veröff. des Inst. für Orientforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, #26 · edited by Lukas, Johannes · Akademie-Verlag

  • Peoples of south-west Ethiopia and its borderland ( pp. 148, maps ) . Cerulli, Ernesta (1956) · Ethnographic survey of Africa, North-Eastern Africa, #3 · Oxford Univ. Press; International African Inst. (IAI)

  • A preliminary account of the Didinga ( pp. 208-222 ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1922) · Sudan notes and records. 5

  • The Didinga mountains ( pp. 385-403 ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1927) · The geographical journal. 69

  • Notes on dreams among the Lango and the Didinga of the south-eastern Sudan ( pp. 141-143 (art. 94) ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1927) · Man: a record of anthropological science. 27

  • The savage as he really is ( pp. 77 ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1929) · Introductions to modern knowledge, #3 · George Routledge & Sons

  • People of the small arrow ( pp. 338 ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1930) · George Routledge & Sons

  • The Didinga language (Sudan) ( pp. 139-182 ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1931) · Mitt. des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen. 34

  • Divination by pebbles ( pp. 7-9 (art. 3) ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1931) · Man: a record of anthropological science. 33

  • The ‘best friend’ among the Didinga ( pp. 101-102 (art. 110) ) . Driberg, Jack H. (1935) · Man: a record of anthropological science. 35

  • Some collective expressions of obscenity in Africa ( pp. 311-331 ) . Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1929) · Journal of the Royal Anthropological Inst. of Great Britain and Ireland. 59

  • The cognition of nature through colours and patterns: from the cases of the Narim in southern Sudan ( pp. 207-235 ) . Fukui, Katsuyoshi (1986) · In Sudan Sahel studies edited by Tomakawa, Morimichi · Inst. for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies

  • The ideophone in Didinga ( pp. 121-138 ) . Jong, Nicky de (2001) · In Ideophones Typological studies in language, #44 · edited by Voeltz, Erhard Friedrich Karl and Kilian-Hatz, Christa · John Benjamins Publishing Company

  • Didinga orthography ( pp. 145-164 ) . Jong, Nicky de (2004) · Occasional papers in the study of Sudanese languages. 9

  • Eastern Sudanic subfamily: a linguistic relationship ( pp. 10 ) . Heine, Bernd (1970) · Papers from the Dept. of History: East Africa and the Nile Valley seminars, #4 · Univ. College of Nairobi

  • Studies in Nandi etymology ( pp. 35-50, 146-160, 317-326 ) . Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1929/30) · Bibl. africana. 3

  • The Longarim favourite beast ( pp. 258-277 ) . Kronenberg, Andreas (1961) · Kush. 9

  • Historische Interrelationen einiger Kulturelemente der Didinga-Longarim ( pp. 122-129 ) . Kronenberg, Andreas (1967) · Paideuma: Mitt. zur Kulturkunde. 13

  • Logik und Leben: kulturelle Relevanz der Didinga und Longarim . Kronenberg, Andreas (1972) · Franz Steiner Verlag