[aka Lúr, Lur]Classification: Afro-Asiatic
·critically endangered
Classification: Afro-Asiatic
·critically endangered
Lúr, Lur |
Afro-Asiatic, Chadic, West Chadic |
ISO 639-3 |
ldd |
As csv |
Information from: “Le Luri: Quelques Notes sur une Langue Tchadique du Nigeria” (193-201) . B. Caron (2004) , P. Boyeldieu and P. Nougayrol · Louvain-Paris: Peeters
"On peut donc considérer que Musa et sa femme sont les deux dernières personnes à se souvenir de la langue."
Nyamzak (Langas)
"Dans l’opération, l’ensemble de la population a abandonné la langue du village, le luri, au profit du haoussa et de la langue parlée à Langas, le nyamzak. Selon Musa, l’ancien chef de Luri, lui et sa femme sont les derniers locuteurs de la langue."
"A une quinzaine de km au sud-est de Bauchi, au nord du Nigeria, près de Langas (9,83° Est ; 10,17° Nord), à flanc de colline, se trouve le village d’origine de Luri (lúr). Il consiste aujourd’hui en une seule maison, où vivent le chef du village (Musa) et son épouse, tous deux âgés de plus de 80 ans. Le gouvernement fédéral du Nigeria ayant confisqué les terres du village pour créer une réserve au profit des pasteurs peuls, les habitants du village ont dû émigrer. Musa ayant refusé de quitter son village, c’est son fils qui lui a succédé et a fondé le nouveau village de Luri, à une dizaine de kilomètres de là, plus bas dans la vallée, près de la rivière qui coule à Langas."
Information from: “Documenting linguistic varieties of the South-Bauchi group” . Bernard Caron (2009)
"Two of those language (ex: Zaranda ; Luri) are spoken in communities that have split, creating a situation with an “old” village up in the hills with a few older people, living in terrible conditions, using the “old” language and a “new” village where the majority of the population has moved down the hill, by the road, and switched to Hausa, Jaar, etc."
"the south of Bauchi State, Nigeria"
Information from: “Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages” . Christopher Moseley (2007) Routledge
"...had around thirty speakers left according to a survey carried out in 1973 by the Summer Institute of Linguistics."
"Its former speakers appear to have shifted to Hausa as a primary means of communication."
Bauchi State, Nigeria
Information from: “Luri: final traces of a South Bauchi Languages of Central Nigeria” . Roger Blench (2004) Foundation for Endangered Languages
"These are probably the last two speakers of the language and both are over eighty..."
"The speakers of Luri have switched to either Hausa or Langas (=Nyamzak)."
"At that time (1992), Luri was still spoken in Luri and Kayarda villages... The village of Luri (lúr) is some 15 km. southeast of Bauchi town, close to Langas (9°83 E, 10°17 N). According to Caron, following the creation of a Grazing Reserve, the Luri people were compelled to move away and a new Luri was founded some 10 km. away."
Information from: “Unmask the giant (an ethnic survey of Bauchi State)” . CAPRO Research Office (1995)
Jaranchi (Jaar)
"“They live in Kayarda and Luri villages... All of them are found in Bauchi LGA of Bauchi State.”
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th Edition (2013)” . Paul M. Lewis; Gary F. Simons; and Charles D. Fennig · Dallas, Texas: SIL International
"Shifted to Hausa."
"Bauchi State, Bauchi LGA, Kayarda and Luri villages."
Information from: “South-Bauchi West Pronominal and TAM Systems” (93-112) . Bernard Caron (2006) , Bernard Caron and Peter Zima ·
There are "a handful" of speakers.
"the South of the Bauchi state (Nigeria)"
Information from: “An Atlas of Nigerian Languages” (111) . Roger Blench (2012)
"Nearly all the ethnic Luri have switched to speaking Hausa."
Information from: “A survey on language death in Africa” (402) . Sommer, Gabriele (1992) , Brenzinger, Matthias · Mouton de Gruyter
"Nigeria, Bauchi State and Division, Zungur District"