[aka Aniula, Anjula, Anula]Classification: Pama-Nyungan
·severely endangered
Classification: Pama-Nyungan
·severely endangered
The story of the Groper and the land of Yanyuwa people. Recorded in 2012.
Yanyuwa families |
South West Gulf of Carpentaria/Yanyuwa |
Yanyuwa families and the Monash Country Lines Archive, Monash University |
South West Gulf of Carpentaria/Yanyuwa |
Yanyuwa families and the Monash Country Lines Archive, Monash University |
Monash Country Lines Archive, Monash University |
IP and Copyright Yanyuwa families |
Indigenous Language Institute 4214 days ago
Wonderful story, beautiful graphics, valuable origin story for future generations. Love the songs, esp. when you hear the voices of children at the end. Thank you!! Inee Slaughter, Exec Dir, Indigenous Language Institute
Kevin Lowe 4193 days ago
These are extraordinary in their presentation and representation of the language, community, the Dreaming and the land. I applaud the work of the community, the support staff and the graphic designers who were able to bring these important Dreaming stories to a world wide audience. Thanks you brothers and sisters for sharing this with us !! Kevin Lowe Gubbi Gubbi and First Languages Australia.
Julie Gordon 4188 days ago
Wow -- so impressive! What a wonderful animated story of your lands and waters and the creatures that live there. This must have been a lot of hard work by some very talented people. I love the visuals and also the narration. Thank you for sharing. Julie Gordon in Vancouver, Canada.
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