[également appelé Kigweno, Ghonu, Kighonu]Classification : Niger-Congo
Classification : Niger-Congo
Relationship of Gweno to other Bantu languages in terms of post-verbal negative markings
Lire le documentMaud Devos and Johan van der Auwera |
Hira A. |
2013 |
Grammaire |
Anglais |
Charles Häberl il y a 3615 jours
Devos, Maud and van der Auwera, Johan. Journal of African Languages & Linguistics. 2013, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p205-274. 70p. Abstract: This paper gives an overview of post-verbal negative marking in Bantu languages. It shows that, although Bantu studies tend to concentrate on negation marked on the verb itself, post-verbal negative markers are well represented within the Bantu domain and high concentrations can be found in zones B, C, H and L. It is argued that locative pronouns, possessive pronouns and negative (answer) particles are recurrent sources of negative markers in Bantu languages. It is claimed that they take part in what is generally known as a Jespersen cycle: they initially reinforce the original negator and eventually become obligatory for the expression of negation resulting in a double negative construction. It will be shown that in Bantu languages a new Jespersen cycle can set in before the original negator has been lost, yielding triple negative constructions, which are much more rarely attested world-wide.
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