[alias Karrajarri, Garadjiri, Garadyari]Klassifizierung: Pama-Nyungan
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Klassifizierung: Pama-Nyungan
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Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·
Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing http://www.unesco.org/culture/en/endangeredlanguages/atlas
World Oral Literature Project . http://www.oralliterature.org
Austlang: Australian Indigenous Languages Database . AIATSIS http://austlang.aiatsis.gov.au
Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages . Christopher Moseley (2007) · Routledge
Australasia and the Pacific ( pp. 97-126 ch. 4 ) . Darrell Tryon (2007) · In Atlas of the World's Languages edited by R. E. Asher and Christopher Moseley · Routledge
How many languages were spoken in Australia? . Claire Bowern (2011) · http://anggarrgoon.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/austlangs-masterlanguagelist-dec2011.xlsx
Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International http://www.ethnologue.com/
Karajarri . Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre (2009) · http://www.wangkamaya.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=170&Itemid=332
Handbook of Western Australian Aboriginal Languages South of the Kimberley Region . Nicholas Thieberger (1996) · Pacific Linguistics, Australian National University http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/LANG/WA/contents.htm
A Grammar of Garadjari, Western Australia . Anna K. Sands (1989) ·