[aka Chiliss, Galos, Dardu]Classification: Indo-European
Classification: Indo-European
Chiliss, Galos, Dardu, Chiliso |
Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, Northwestern Zone |
ISO 639-3 |
clh |
As csv |
Information from: “Language policy, multilingualism and language vitality in Pakistan” (73-106) . Tariq Rahman (2006) , Anju Saxena and Lars Borin · Mouton de Gruyter
"Under great pressure by Shina. According to Hallberg, ‘A point which further underscores the idea that language shift is taking place in this community is the fact that of the thirteen individuals who were asked, four said that they spoke Chilisso in their home as a child but speak Shina in their home today’ (Hallberg in SSNP Vol. 1, 1992: 122-123)."
"Koli, Palas, Jalkot Indus Kohistan"
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “Glottolog” .