[también conocido como Korandje, Belbali, lbəlbaliyya]Clasificación: Songhay
·en peligro de extinción
Clasificación: Songhay
·en peligro de extinción
Korandje, Belbali, lbəlbaliyya, Tabelbala, البلبالية |
Songhay |
ISO 639-3 |
kcy |
Como csv |
La información está incompleta “Grammatical Contact in the Sahara: Arabic, Berber, and Songhay in Tabelbala and Siwa” . Lameen Souag (2010)
"At present, Kwarandzyey is endangered. All Belbali men, and most women, speak dialectal Arabic [...] Most speakers claim to speak only
Arabic to their young children, and in Ifrənyu people in their twenties can be found who have only a very limited passive knowledge of Kwarandzyey. The djemaa (council of elders) of Ifrənyu collectively resolved to give up Kwarandzyey in the 1970s, hoping to
improve their children's educational chances by making sure they knew Arabic from the start (Tabelbala has had a government school since just before independence); the people of Kwara (Zaouia) followed suit in the 1980s. Nonetheless, Kwara's children
have continued to acquire Kwarandzyey in their early teens from older teenagers."
"Kwarandzyey (kʷara n dzyəy "village language", or lbəlbaliyya "Belbali"; Korandjé in earlier literature) is spoken by about 3000 people, called Belbalis, from the villages of Kwara (Zaouia), Ifrənyu (Cheraia), and Yami (Makhlouf) in the oasis of Tabelbala in southwestern Algeria, about halfway between Bechar and Tindouf. There are significant numbers of Belbalis in Tindouf, and smaller numbers in Bechar and Oran."
La información está incompleta “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
La información está incompleta “Korandje” . Lameen Souag (2011) Sorosoro
"Endangered; most parents no longer speak the language to their children, choosing instead to use Arabic. It is still spoken, however, by all native Belbalis (inhabitants of Tabelbala) over the age of 35 and by most over the age of 15. Children often learn the language from their older friends."
"Tabelbala oasis, in southwestern Algeria between Béchar and Tindouf."
La información está incompleta “Tabelbala: eine Songhaysprachinsel in der algerischen Sahara” (377-397) . Mohand Tilmatine (1991) , Daniela Mendel and Ulrike Claudi · Inst. für Afrikanistik, Univ. zu Köln
"Daß das K. kein hohes Prestige genießt, ist, in einer arabischen Umwelt, wohl vorstellbar. Einerseits ein als Sprache des Koran sakralisiertes Arabisch mit einer langen und reichen Traditions- und Kulturgeschichte, das von Millionen Menschen gesprochen wird, und andererseits das K., eine kleine unbedeutende 'Sprache der Jnūn' (Sprache der Teufel), wie manche Nicht-Belbali sie nennen... und die den Muttersprachlern als nicht geeignet erscheint, technische oder wissenschaftliche Sachverhalte wiederzugeben."
"Die Oase Tabelbala liegt etwa 1600 km südwestlich von Algier, etwa 145 km Luftlinie westlich von Beni Abbès. Die Stadt erstreckt sich in einem Palmenhain von 12 Kilometern, der selbst in einer Senke zwischen dem Erg Er-Rāwi und dem Kaḥal-Gebirge liegt."