[别称 Aike, Akye,]语系:Niger-Congo
信息不完整 “The Ake language of Central Nigeria and its affinities” . Roger Blench (2006)
"In general, Ake still seems to be spoken generally among the people of the four villages. Elders in Ugah complain that more and more of the children there are speaking Hausa, which is to be expected in such a multilingual community. Nonetheless, it seemed that Ake was still widely understood by young people, so the language is probably not unduly threatened. Nonetheless, it is unlikely that there are more than 2000 speakers,
so complacency is not in order."
"The Ake live in four villages northeast of Lafia town in Lafia LGA, Nassarawa State, in Central Nigeria. The villages are reached from a track going north from the Lafia-Shendam road, turning at Ashige some 37 km. east of Lafia. Ugah is 20 km. along the track and the other villages are a few kilometres beyond that. These villages are Ugah, Gweyaka, Alingani and Kiguna. Some Ake people have recently moved to a new settlement, Sabongida, close to an irrigation scheme. The four villages have distinct migration histories and are not regarded as hamlets of Ugah. Ugah is by far the largest settlement, but has a very mixed population, including Mada, Eggon, Seyawa and others. The other villages are regarded as more purely Ake."
信息不完整 “Benue-Congo Comparative Wordlist” . Kay Williamson (1973) University of Ibadan, Nigeria: West African Linguistic Society
Town of Gwayaka
信息不完整 “An Atlas of Nigerian Languages” . Roger Blench (2011) Mallam Dendo
The speaker number listed is a more recent estimate; a 1925 estimate from a different author cited in the source lists 354 speakers.
"Nassarawa State, Lafia LGA"