Misantla Totonac
[aka Southeastern Totonac, Yecuatla Totonac, Laakanaachiwiin]Classification: Totonacan
Classification: Totonacan
Preliminary licenses, etc. in Spanish and Latin. Grammatical study in Spanish with Totonac examples (p. 1-134, 2nd count; index p. [1-6], 3rd count) includes extensive verb paradigms (p. 10-46, 2nd count) and a Spanish-Totonac list of over 100 adverbial expressions (p. 121-125). Totonac-Spanish vocabulary lists over 100 terms, primarily nouns (p. 1-3, 4th count); Spanish-Totonac vocabulary includes a list of 70 kinship terms (p. 3-4, 4th count) and a 100-item list of “Partes del cuerpo humano, sus accidentes, y enferm[e]dades” (p. 5-7, 4th count), the latter supplemented by a separate 30-item Spanish-Totonac vocabulary under the heading “Estos distintos, de las partes del cuerpo humano, se passaron al tiempo de la ymprenta” (p. 47-48, 4th count). Christian texts entirely in Totonac with Spanish headings are included.
John Carter Brown Library at Brown University |
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