[, другое название: Páez, Nasa Yuwe, Pez]Классификация: Isolate
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Классификация: Isolate
·в уязвимом положении
Jose Chávez is an artisan who creates the traditional Nasa's hat in the Calderas Reservation. His wife and he are living embodiments of the Nasa culture. To talk, to listen these women and men, to feel so humble in front of their wisdom has been one of the biggest pleasures and honors of my life. As an artist I need to speak for them and say: We must protect the diversity of the world not only biological but also cultural. We must to stop discrimination and learn from the other in the pursuit of a better world. These videos aren't a good homage to these women and men, my focus was to listen, to learn and at the due time to photograph. It is a shame don´t have better videos but at the same time are a good display of how difficult and satisfactory is a project like this. Interview by Mauricio Chávez and Aureliano Pastuso Díaz (graduated in ethnoeducation), camera Silvino González, assistant Gustavo Yonda. 2014
Silvino González Morales |
Belalcázar, Cauca, Colombia |
Ministerio de Cultura Colombia |
<dcterms:license> </dcterms:license> |
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