
[también conocido como Awjila, Aujila, Augila]

Clasificación: Afro-Asiatic


con amenaza de extinción


An Aujila Berber Vocabulary

van Putten's collection of Aujila vocabulary based off Umberto Paradisi's 1960 work, Testi berberi di Augila (Cirenaica). "This vocabulary aims to collect all the lexical data available to us on Aujila Berber. The vocabulary is written in the direction of Aujila to English, and ordered alphabetically by root. This change of direction from the original sources will facilitate both translation of the texts and comparative study with other Berber languages." (excerpt from van Putten's introduction)

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Marijn van Putten

Shannon Keane


Listas de palabras, vocabulario y diccionarios

