[también conocido como Saaroa, Lha’alua, Saroa]Clasificación: Austronesian
·en peligro crítico de extinción
Clasificación: Austronesian
·en peligro crítico de extinción
Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·
Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing http://www.unesco.org/culture/en/endangeredlanguages/atlas
Australia and the Pacific ( pp. 424-557 ) . Stephen A Wurm (2007) · In Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages Routledge
Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International http://www.ethnologue.com/
A grammar of Lha’alua, an Austronesian language of Taiwan . Chia-jung Pan (2012) ·
World Oral Literature Project . http://www.oralliterature.org
The Tribes in Taiwan (Hla’alua) . Council of Indigenous Peoples (行政院原住民族委員會) (2015) · http://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/docList.html?CID=786B260E9D63A127&type=D553881BB72C42C9D0636733C6861689
原住民族語言使用狀況調查報告 . (2016) · http://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/docDetail.html?CID=964B9BFAAA44B32A&DID=0C3331F0EBD318C29EC71D49B5E8708F