[también conocido como Saiset, Seisirat, Saisett]Clasificación: Austronesian
·en grave peligro de extinción
Clasificación: Austronesian
·en grave peligro de extinción
Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·
Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing
World Oral Literature Project .
Australia and the Pacific ( pp. 424-557 ) . Stephen A Wurm (2007) · In Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages Routledge
The Tribes in Taiwan (Saisiyat) . Council of Indigenous Peoples (行政院原住民族委員會) (2014) ·
Endangered languages and phonetic change: A case study of Saisiyat (瀕危語言及其語音變化—以台灣的賽夏語為例) ( pp. 53-69 ) . Chen, Shu-chuan (陳淑娟) (2006) · Journal of Language and Literature (國立新竹教育大學語文學報). National Hsinchu University of Education
A Study of Saisiyat Morphology . Elizabeth Zeitoun and Tai-hwa Chu and Lalo a Tahesh Kaybaybaw. (2015) · University of Hawaii Press
personal communication . Elizabeth Zeitoun (2014) ·
賽夏語參考語法 [A reference grammar of Saisiyat] . 葉美利 (Yeh, Mei-li) (2000) · 遠流出版社 (Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd.)
原住民族語言使用狀況調查報告 . (2016) ·