
[aka Clallam, S'klallam, Na'klallam]

Classification: Salishan




Klallam Text

qaʔyáx̣ct či xʷanítəm. qáyəx̣. cút kʷə ʔáwə c qʷaʔnítəŋ ʔaʔ či sč̓áʔi. č̓aʔyáʔnəq ʔaʔ tiʔə sčtə́ŋxʷən.

Rico Rodriguez


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    F K 4607 days ago

    This language is not as unknown as you might think, at least in the Suquamish, WA, USA and greater surrounding areas. There are several amazing learning centres and a new tribal community building in Suquamish that anyone seriously interested could visit to see more about learning the S'Klallam dialect from our older and younger folks. There is also the Suquamish Tribal Museum. The Little Boston branch also has community resources as well. As for prevalence, my elementary school had S'Klallam text on most signs and the tribal casino where I work at has it as well. It's not a major world language for sure, but completely unknown? I think not! :-)

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    wendy rose 3714 days ago

    You say they are lying, lying. so not to be robbed of what has been taken. the land has been taken. I am curious what the rest of your document has to say Rico