[también conocido como Han-Kutchin, Moosehide, Dawson]Clasificación: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
·en peligro crítico de extinción
Clasificación: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
·en peligro crítico de extinción
[Han Narratives #2, Louise Paul, Eagle Alaska] , 1 of 2
Juneby, Willie.;Paul, Louise. |
1 de Julio de 1977 |
Juneby, Willie.;Paul, Louise. |
Eagle, Alaska |
Juneby, Willie.;Paul, Louise. |
Alaska Native Language Archive |
This material is copyrighted. Please contact ANLA for more information. |
Gaetano Marino hace 4564 días
What a great story! I wish the recording equipment were better then, but thank God they saved this story. Difficult as it may be to believe, this may be an ancient one, and not just created by the woman telling it. listen carefully, the people had no mouths, the elder brother taught them to speak? Myth and history meet somewhere near the the campfire story.
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