Mixed Great Andamanese

[también conocido como Present Great Andamanese, Jeru, Andamanese]

Clasificación: Great Andamanese


en peligro crítico de extinción


Vanishing Voices of the Great Andamanese

"The project “Vanishing Voices of the Great Andamanese” was funded by the Hans Rausing Endangered Language Fund under the Major Documentation Project, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, U.K (2005-2009). The project highlighted the need for policy to assist in the revitalization of threatened languages and cultures. Its primary objective was to obtain first-hand knowledge of the linguistic situation of the aboriginal communities, as a basis for developing an interactive tri-lingual dictionary (Hindi-English-Great Andamanese). Another important reason for undertaking this project was to confirm the hypothesis that the Great Andamanese seemed to be a language distinct from the rest of the tribal languages of the islands, implying that this could have been the sixth language family of India (Abbi 2003, 2006)."

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Gan-ling Tan

Gan-ling Tan



