[également appelé n̓səl̓̓xčin̓, Nsilxcín, Nsyilxcen, Nsyilxcn, Nsəlxcin]Classification : Salishan
·en danger
Classification : Salishan
·en danger
Okanagan language video, We Don't Want the Train to Go Through!, English subtitles. Original Film: "The Invaders", 1912, by Thomas H. Ince http://www.filmpreservation.org/preserved-films/screening-room/the-invaders-1912 Okanagan Narration and Translation: Sarah McLeod Okanagan Transcription and Subtitles: John Lyon Sarah McLeod, iʔ nsyílxcən iʔ skʷists Psoʔ, mut l nɬq̓íɬməlx (Quilchena). ixíʔ iʔ qʷəlqʷílt iʔ l video. taʔlíʔ px̌páx̌t Sarah l nsyílxcən. My name is John Lyon, I am a PhD student in Linguistics at UBC, and have been studying the Upper Nicola Okanagan language for 4 years now. I am originally from the States and live in Vancouver now. Sarah and I have worked together on the Okanagan language for 3 years now, and she agreed to translate several older, public domain films in the Okanagan language in the spring of 2011. My thinking was that these films could be used as intermediate/advanced-level learning resources, either for classroom or use in the home. The pro
John Lyon |
Quilchena, BC V0E, Canada |
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