[alias n̓səl̓̓xčin̓, Nsilxcín, Nsyilxcen, Nsyilxcn, Nsəlxcin]Klassifizierung: Salishan
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Klassifizierung: Salishan
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The first of three videos from spəpƛmsalqʷ, Chopaka BC Nsyilxcn immersion house. Five adult women lived in this immersion house for 5 months, studying Nsyilxcn 6 hours per day. This 4 minute film includes footage in the house, studying, and our first of two language assessments. We attempt to tell the Goldilocks story from memory. We are grateful to the Paul Creek Language Association (see interiorsalish.com) for making this possible, with their textbooks, curriculum, our Elder Sʕamtíc’aʔ (Sarah Peterson), and Paul Creek’s comprehensive vision to achieve advanced proficiency within two years of study. In our next 2 films (Goldilocks II and kʷu‿nłəqʷcin) our speaking markedly improves. This film produced by Sʔímlaʔxʷ (mkj) as part of her PhD at UBC-Okanagan. way’ kʷu‿kʷukstxʷ!
Michele K Johnson |
Chopaka, BC, Canada |
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