
[también conocido como n̓səl̓̓xčin̓, Nsilxcín, Nsyilxcen, Nsyilxcn, Nsəlxcin]

Clasificación: Salishan


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captíkʷł 2: More Colville-Okanagan Stories for Beginners

An intermediate textbook introducing vocabulary and stories in Colville-Okanagan Salish.

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Sarah Peterson with LaRae Wiley and Christopher Parkin

Grahm Wiley-Camacho





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    Meg Read hace 4162 días

    Are there any resources available where the spellings are phonetic instead of linguistic symbols?

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    Grahm Wiley-Camacho hace 4033 días

    Hey Meg, Since the sounds in Colville are so different folks don't really use english letters or sounds to spell words, we use our own alphabet instead. Here are some resources that will clarify what the Salish letters sound like: http://youtu.be/Hab3dPXTqUg http://youtu.be/OE4gaXlDtHk http://youtu.be/pfqkrNjn0u8 Salish: Okanogan-Colville Indian Language by Andy Joseph is an older textbook/dictionary that uses English approximations but it is difficult to use since Colville okangan sounds don't map well onto english letters.