[aka Shiyeyi, Yeei, Yei]Classification: Niger-Congo
·severely endangered
Classification: Niger-Congo
·severely endangered
Shiyeyi, Yeei, Yei, Ciyei, Koba, Kuba, Seyeyi, Seyei, Ceyei |
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Benue-Congo, Southern Bantoid |
ISO 639-3 |
yey |
As csv |
Information from: “A sociolinguistic survey of the languages of Botswana” (1-142) . Hasselbring, Sue (2000) Basarwa Languages Project, Collaborative Basarwa Research Programme of the Univ. of Botswana & Univ. of Tromsø
"1100-1500 in Boteti."
"… [A] greater percent of older respondents said they spoke their own languages best than did the younger generation. This was particularly true of the !Goro, Yeyi and Nambya. This indicates that these languages may be undergoing a rapid shift… to Tswana or other languages."
"Yeyi and Danisi show serious signs of losing vitality since children and young adults rarely speak them."
"Some Bible translation efforts were begun in the 1960's but no portions of the Bible were published. Recently the Kamanakao Association was formed by Yeyi speakers who are interested in developing and preserving their language."
"An orthography conference for Yeyi was held in April 1997 at which an orthography for Yeyi was presented and agreed upon."
Northwest, Boteti, Ghanzi District, Botswana; Namibia; Zambia
Information from: “Shiyeyi: a Bantu click language” (72-82) . Andersson, Lars-Gunnar and Janson, Tore (1997) Longman Botswana
"The number of people considering themselves to be Wayeyi might be around 20,000, but might also be considerably lower or higher. Another open question is to what extent the Wayeyi speak Shiyeyi."
"It is quite possible that the Shiyeyi language may disappear altogether within a few generations if the present trends continue. It is possible, though, that the situation for the language may be somewhat better in Namibia than it is in Botswana."
"It appears that around 80 percent of the Wayeyi school children speak Setswana as their first language."
"In and around the Okavongo delta in Ngamiland [Botswana], and in Caprivi in Namibia."
Information from: “Language gain and language loss: the spread of Setswana in Ngamiland” (129-153) . Gabi Sommer and Rainer Vossen (2000) , Herman M. Batibo and Birgit Smieja · Peter Lang
"The evaluation of questionnaires concerning bilingualism among speakers with a non-Tswana background clearly showed that, especially in areas closer to the district capital Maun, bilingualism in an ethnic language (e.g. Shiyeyi) and Setswana is gradually being abandoned in favour of Tswana monolingualism."
"...recordings of narrated Yeyi texts from places other than Shorobe indicate that there elderly people (especially women) still stuck to story-telling as a means of transmitting Yeyi knowledge to the younger Setswana-speaking generation."
"It was thus discovered that in Shorobe, a village with a vast majority of Yeyi community members, Setswana was used almost exclusively not only in inter-ethnic conversations (e.g. communal beer-drinking with Tswana-speakers originating from outside Ngamiland) but also in family-internal everyday conversation in Yeyi households. Only elderly women, who still master the Yeyi language beside Setswana, occasionally made use of Yeyi insertions when casually discussing among themselves most recent events in the village."
Seronga, Shobe, and Maun villages in Ngamiland
Information from: “Linguistic and cultural domination: the case of the Wayeyi of Botswana” (217-234) . Lydia Nyati-Ramahobo (2000) , Herman M. Batibo and Birgit Smieja · Peter Lang
20,000 Wayeyi in Botswana who have maintained their identity
Information from: “A survey on language death in Africa” (402) . Sommer, Gabriele (1992) , Brenzinger, Matthias · Mouton de Gruyter
"Yeyi is replaced by a dialect of Tswana."
" and around the Okavango Delta, Ngamiland, North-West District, Botswana; also in East Caprivi, Namibia"
Information from: “Zur Konzeptualisierung von Vergangenheit im Bantu Areallinguistische Vergleiche im südlichen Afrika” (75-92) . Frank Fessler and Gabriele Sommer (2011) , Raija Kramer and Holger Tröbs and Raimund Kastenholz · Rüdinger Köppe Verlag
"Während Sommer & Vossen (1992: 407) für das Jarh 1995 circa 25.000 bis 30.000 Yeyi-Sprecher in Ngamiland vermuteten..."
Okavango Delta, Ngamiland District, Northwest, Botswana; south Caprivi region, Namibia
"Yeyi wird rund um das Okavango Delta im Ngamiland-Bezirk in Nordwest-Botswana und im Süden der Caprivi Region in Namibia gesprochen."
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “Few People, Many Tongues: The Languages of Namibia” (222) . Jouni F. Maho (1998) Windhoek, Namibia: Gamsberg Macmillan
"According to Prinsloo et al. (1982, vol. 12) 7.9%% of the Bayeyi people used Shiyeyi as their first home language during the early 1980's. When applied to the 1991 census data the figure would be 5,200 people."
"Shiyeyi is not standardized and has no published orthography."