Murui Huitoto

[, другое название: Murui, Murui Witoto, Huitoto Murui]

Классификация: Witotoan


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Traversing language barriers: Murui signal drums from Northwest Amazonia

The Murui manguaré is composed of a pair of hollowed out hardwood logs each about 150-180cm long and 45-60cm in diameter, each with a narrow slit connecting two holes.Traditionally, the drums played an important role in social life. In addition to being the musical accompaniment during celebrations, the manguaré was used for announcements within the community and between communities. Communal roundhouses would relay messages across the entire tribe. • Today, the Murui manguaré is used for traditional celebrations, but not for long distance communication.

Kasia Wojtylak


1 января 2016 г.
